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Marigold sat in the passenger seat, laughing out of amusement and glee while holding onto the seat for dear life as well as her hat that was close to falling off. You've never experienced something like this before; this was well beyond what you're normally used to. If not for the fact that you were in Hell, you would have probably gotten arrested for your reckless driving.

Each turn was more thrilling than the last. Your heart raced as you pressed your foot down on the gas pedal, kicking up the acceleration a notch. To you, it felt less like driving and more like joy-riding. And Marigold was encouraging it entirely like an unsupervised teenager.

"Floor it, floor it, floor it!!" the red-headed deer demon shouted happily as you quickly approached an incoming traffic light.

The traffic light had just turned yellow and it was now a race to beat the red light. Without a moment of hesitation, you pressed down on the gas even more causing it to go even faster. All while the deer demon enthusiastically cheering you on the closer you were to the yellow light.




At the very last second, you managed to pass the light just when it turned red. You along with your designated passenger was bursting with excitement, feeling that rush of adrenaline in your veins. As you gradually slowed down, a hard slap on the back caused you to let out a startled yelp.

"That was pretty good, kid," the female deer demon laughed, readjusting her hat in her seat. "For someone that has never driven a sports car before, you sure do know how to handle one."

You smiled sheepishly at Marigold and thanked her for the compliment. Although, while you haven't personally driven in a sports car, you've at least rode in one. At one point during high school, one of your friends had the courtesy of "borrowing" their parent's Mercedes-Benz and rode it around town for the sake of showing off. Unfortunately, you were dragged into it in the process because of the fact that you had--in their own words--no sense of fun. In your defense, you didn't want to be in a car with someone that has a driver's permit (and only had it for less than a month). Not to mention, their tendency to disregard speed limits. There were so many close calls whenever you and your friend passed a police car and sometimes a state trooper. You had to physically pray to whatever God that was out there to not get pulled over by the police.

The two of you chatted for a bit while you were trying to find a suitable drop-off spot. You figured that it would be a bad idea to drive back to Alastor's house with Marigold, seeing that she has an extreme dislike towards overlords. It also doesn't help that Alastor has a possible grudge against her so it's most likely that he'll attack her the second he sees her. For now, it would be in your best interest to keep them away from each other and keep your interactions with Marigold a secret for now.

You sank down in your seat, gripping the steering wheel with a worrisome expression on your face. Something tells you that this will not bode well for you if Alastor finds out that you were hiding things from him. Again.

God, you're so screwed.

You drove up to the corner of the street away from oncoming traffic and set the car in park. Marigold was quite curious about your designated drop-off location, knowing well that it would be dangerous for you to walk home on your own this late in the evening. You assured her that you'll be fine on your own since you're used to walking home by yourself. Of course, the charm that Alastor has given you should ward off any potential attackers or harassers so it should work. Right?

"Alright, so I got you scheduled for next Thursday on the 15th at 3pm," Marigold advised as she pulled out a small planner and jolted a few things down. "Same place. Just in case you were wondering. I will also need some copies of your documents, your employment history, and your ID to speed up the hiring process."

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