A Fair Deal

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A small chill on your skin stirred you from your slumber and your eyes wandered around the room for a while. You immediately remembered your half naked body and you sat up quickly, covering yourself as you frantically searched for Angel. He was nowhere to be seen. You didn't remember falling asleep and your ripped skirt was still intact. You had no idea what happened while you were high on Angel Dust. You could faintly recall Angel touching you and kissing your lips. It felt like it was in a dream but it felt so real.

"Angel?" you called out. Nothing. Guess he's not around, you thought.

You stood from your seat and looked for something you could use to cover yourself with. All you could find was a small table cloth. You had to make due for now until you found some actual clothes. As you were wrapping the table cloth around your body, you heard a few voices from outside. You could barely make out what they were saying, but you could tell one of the voices belonged to a female and she seems upset.

"Do you have any idea how much your little stunts are affecting this hotel?! You're making us look bad!" the woman scolded.

"No, I'm not! I was just doing what I usually do best," the other voice said, presumably belonging to Angel.

"What you do best is what's--UGH!! Can you at least try to stay out of trouble?"

"Yeah, yeah, I'll try to stay out of trouble. Can I go now?"

The woman muttered a few things in a different language before dismissing him. A little while later, the door opened and you watch Angel enter the room before closing the door. He turned around to see you in a table cloth. "Oh hey, (y/n). Sleep well?"

You clutched on the cloth around your chest, averting your gaze from his. "Um, Angel? Did we... y'know. You and me?"

The spider demon sensed your worry and shook his head. "No. We didn't," he answered with reassurance. "You fell asleep the moment I laid you down on the couch. And after remembering that you were nearly raped, I backed off. The last thing I want is to make you regret something that you had no control over."

You were pretty relieved to know that you and Angel haven't gotten very far. You needed some time to recover from what nearly happened to you. Perhaps a break from any sexual contact until you were comfortable again. As you gazed upon the being in front of you, you found yourself trembling again. The memories flashed back into your mind. Suddenly, you ran up to Angel and hugged him tightly. You were scared, you were tired of running away, you were in desperate need of help. All you wanted was comfort.

Angel hesitated for a moment before slowly returning the hug and held you, stroking your hair soothingly. "Angel... I'm really scared." You started to weep in his arms. "I can't do this anymore. I just want it to be over..."

Angel shushed you gingerly and rubbed the length of your back in a calming gesture. "It's going to be okay. If you want, I'll help you. I can teach you everything I know. But..." He slowly pulled away to gaze at you. "...I won't do this for free. In return, I want you to do something for me. I want you to be my sex buddy. I won't force you if you're not ready, but I'm letting you know in advance."

The proposal Angel offered to you seems very tempting for you to take but in exchange for sex? Why would he want something like that if he can get that kind of satisfaction anywhere? It doesn't make sense. However, you had no other options for now. You avoided help for three years and no one was there to help you. What's stopping you from accepting something that could greatly benefit you in the end? You swallowed hard and clenched onto the collar of his jacket. "Alright. I'll do it. But the sex part... is it going to be a long-term thing?"

"Only if you want it to be. It's just a quid-pro-quo. I'll help out as much and as long as I can until you're back on your feet. Other than that, we can be friends afterwards, yeah?" Angel cracked a wide, cheery smile, his single gold tooth glistening in the light.

"Friends?" you questioned. It's been a long time since anyone has ever offered you to be your friend or even called you that. For so long, you thought all demons--or sinners--were considered bad and only cared about themselves. Maybe they're not all that bad after all.

Angel nodded and kissed your forehead. "Yep! Friends!" You giggled and nuzzled into his chest fluff, which also made him giggle as well. Angel picked you up bridal style with one set of arms and laid you down carefully on the couch. "First thing we'll have to do is move all of your stuff here. You could crash with me until you have enough money to afford your own place."

"A little hard to do when I don't have a job," you frowned.

"Let me take care of that. I know a few pals of mine that can get you a job with me. It'll take a while before I can get an answer from them. If not, then..." He cracks a mischievous grin on his face. "Let's just say I have my ways of convincing."

You really didn't want to know the details, nor did you care but you were happy that your new friend is helping you out. Although, being in the same workplace as Angel? The thought of it seems pretty overwhelming.

"Hey, how would you feel about being a pole dancer?" Your attention was drawn to the albino spider demon in front of you who has one set of his arms folded while the lower set has their hands on his hips. "I think you would make a great pole dancer with enough training and practice."

"Me? A pole dancer?" Angel's suggestion was a bit baffling to you. You could barely make it as a regular performer. How would pole dancing be any different? You sat up in your seat and sighed. "Angel, I honestly don't think that would be--" A finger was placed on your lips to silence you and you glanced up at Angel with an annoyed expression.

"Babe, babe. You need to have some confidence in yourself." He knelt down to your level so that he could see eye to eye with you. "You're never gonna get very far if you continue to doubt yourself. You won't know what you're really capable of unless you try."

You thought about it for a while until you gave him your answer. "Sure. I'll give it a try."

"That's the spirit!" His eyes wandered up and down your body and brought a finger to his chin pondering for a brief moment. "Clothes are definitely a priority right now."

You sat there and listened to his plans on training you for the pole dancing job as well as giving you a complete makeover. You had a feeling that this will be a long and hard road for you but with Angel on your side, you won't have to worry as much. 

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