An Uncertain Relationship

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It's been a few minutes since you woke up from a long and peaceful rest after that night with Alastor. That same night where you've attended your first formal party in a very long time, where you've met Marigold in person, and when you made yet another deal with Alastor. Not only that, you've also agreed to go on a date with him as a result from losing the wager. To end things off, the two of you engaged in a hot and heavy love-making session where Alastor teased and overstimulated your body to the point where you achieved multiple orgasms in one night. You gotta hand it to him though. Alastor's quite the animal when he gets into the mood.

You were curled up against Alastor under the covers, feeling the warmth of his body heat seeping into your skin. You smiled in content as you peeked up at the deer demon's face. You never had the chance to see him asleep since he's usually the one to wake up first. Maybe this time, you'll get a chance to see it, even if it's just once. To your surprise, he... actually looks quite happy and peaceful when he's sound asleep. You also noticed two of his sharp teeth peeking out from the corner of his mouth. Oh my god, that's really adorable, you silently thought to yourself. How can someone so scary and dangerous can also be this adorable when he sleeps?

You wanted to watch him sleep for a little while longer, but you also needed to wake him up. It's not very much like him to sleep for this long. Not wanting to delay it any longer, you inched yourself up to Alastor's face and kissed his lips softly. It surely didn't take much to stir him from his slumber. Upon being fully awake, he sees your cute and pleasant face. Something that he never tires of every morning.

"Good morning, Alastor," you greeted in a soft voice.

"Good morning to you too, sweetheart," he replied. "How did you sleep?"

"I slept pretty good. Although, you did put me out like a light after what happened last night." Strangely enough, you weren't as sore as you thought you'd be. When you woke up, you could move your arms and legs without them feeling heavy as lead. It still hurt quite a bit, but at least you were able to move at all.

"Did I now?" There was a hint of amusement in his voice before he shifted closer to you, leaving a trail of butterfly kisses on your neck. He then leaned over to your ear and whispered to you in a teasingly seductive tone. "I do believe it was more along the lines of... putting you in your place."

Right now, you weren't in the mood to get toyed by Alastor again mostly because of last night. You were still very much sensitive and you needed some time to recover before the two of you got into it again. If he lets you, of course.

"Alastor, please." You had to push him away from you from attempting any more advances towards you. "Not right now. I'm still sensitive."

"Right. Sorry. Seems that it slipped my mind for a second."

Liar. He knew and he still tried to initiate it.

For the next few minutes, you and Alastor began to have a conversation about a few things, one of them being about one of the rules in the agreement. You faintly remember that specific rule when he first approached you. You were required to visit him at least once a day, no later than four o'clock in the afternoon. Although this whole time being Alastor's personal servant and handmaid, not once has he brought you back home after that one night where you were allegedly "attacked". Sure, you loved spending time with Alastor and Aura in this big house where you get free meals and a comfortable bed as well as a warm bath. (You don't know why he even has a bathtub to begin with; you've never seen him use it at all aside from you and sometimes Aura.) Regardless of being given all the things that were once considered a luxury to you, you still have to come home to your decent-sized two bedroom apartment with your sewing supplies and your bulky bed. You can't just get up and leave your apartment; you've just managed to move into that place after being wait-listed twice. Choosing to abandon your place would just make things harder for you.

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