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A/N: I'm making a two-part smut chapter. Enjoy it while you can because you're going to learn to hate it later on.


Finish what he has started? What does he mean by that?

Ah. Now you remember. You and Alastor were having some intimate time to yourselves before you were interrupted by Angel's sudden phone call. Why does he have the need to continue? Was it not enough to satisfy him? Or maybe... Did he want to take it a step further?

Alastor begins to liter your neck with tender kisses and small playful nibbles. Your first reaction was to pull away from him reluctantly.

"H-h-hang on a second," you stuttered, voicing your apprehensiveness. "Y-you just ate and it's a little too soon. Shouldn't you wait a bit before initiating something like this...?"

"Oh-ho, no you don't," he growled, pushing you back over to him with a single hand. "You're not talking your way out of this one. I believe we've had enough inconveniences for one night, don't you think, (Y/n)?"

Seems that he's still peeved about having the mood killed by a phone call. Simply trying to talk to him about it will just further irritate him. The only way he'll regain his normal composure is to give him what he wants and maybe he'll listen to you.

"Y-you're right," you answered in a coy manner. "I'm really sorry. I won't try to persuade you anymore. Just... please be gentle with me."

"That's more like it," he chuckled, amused by your submissive tone. He curled his finger under your chin to make you look up at his sharp gaze. "See how easy that was when you cooperate? Now... are you going to be a good girl for me and behave?"

"Y-yes, sir."

"Very good," he purred. "Such an obedient little servant. Now where were we? Ah yes. I remember now."

The radio demon leaned down to kiss your lips once more, cupping your cheek tenderly with his hand. This time, nothing else will come between his blissful moment with you. He made sure of it. Alastor wants nothing more than to have you once again, to make it known to all the demons in Hell who you belonged to. He will not have anyone lay a single hand on you. He won't let anyone corrupt you. You were his property, his servant, his one and only.

In one swift motion, Alastor picked you up by the legs and set you down on the countertop next to the stove, his lips never leaving yours. Over time, his kisses grew hungrier, thrusting his tongue past your lips to taste you. While you were distracted by his fervent kiss, his fingers ghosted over the seams of your dress at a gradual pace before reaching the front of the clasp. Carefully, his finger curled underneath the clasp that held the front of your dress together. With little effort, the clasp popped open and he wasted no time pulling your dress down to your waist.

Alastor began to leave a trail of butterfly kisses down your chest and abdomen then ran his tongue back up eagerly. You made a small whimpering noise, feeling the warmth of his appendage on your body. He continued to leave noticeable trails of his saliva on your stomach and in between your breasts, tasting and savoring each and every inch of your exposed skin. You were such a delightful treat. Especially with the sweet nectarine that runs through your veins.

Moments later, his tongue gradually migrated over to your hard, erected nipples. You let out a blissful moan, watching him lap the mounds on your breasts. You softly called out his name as he continued his administrations on you. He eventually trailed over to your other nipple at a casual pace, drenching it with his saliva and sucking on it. You instinctively arched your back, slightly tilting your head upwards towards the ceiling, letting out an array of soft gasps and moans.

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