Entertain Me

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Tonight at the nightclub was totally packed, just as Angel said. There were a few demons you haven't recognized and you assume they were new. All the demons and sinners were dancing to the blaring music that was being played by the DJ on the balcony. You could smell the sweat and lust in the air while you and Angel were dancing with each other. Their eyes were trained on you, practically undressing you with their eyes and drooling at the mere sight of you with your dance partner. You didn't mind it, of course. When you're with Angel, you weren't as nervous when it comes to the attention. In fact, it became a real confidence booster.

You noticed the new runway that wasn't there before the night before. They must have installed it during the daytime while the nightclub was closed. That's when an idea occurred to you. You gave Angel a sweet kiss on the lips before making your way down the newly installed runway. Give them what they want. That's all you thought about as you began to dance in a more provocative manner in front of your patreons, teasing and waving your ass while proceeding to go on all fours to give them a better view of you. You could hear them hollering and cat-calling you as if you were a whore. You didn't mind as long as you're getting the attention you wanted...and kept their hands to themselves.

Unfortunately, one of the demons near the stage climbed onto the stage while you were unaware and pinned you down to the floor. You glanced up at them with an annoyed expression.

"Hey, baby. Wanna have a little fun with me?" he growled at you. You weren't able to move at all to push or kick them off of you. However, you kept yourself calm as you continued to gaze into their eyes that were filled with lust.

"Get off of her, you piece of shit." Angel held his pistol up to their head threateningly. The demon slowly backed away from you and rose to their feet with their hands raised. "Hands off the dancers. Especially this one."

Angel wasted no time grabbing you and taking you backstage away from the demons and sinners. You could tell he was upset from the way he would mutter to himself. Once he was sure the two of you were alone, he lets go of your hand and glowered at you. "You need to be more careful!" he shouted. "It was a good thing I was there, too. Who knows what that guy could have done to you."

"Angel, you didn't have to drag me off stage like that," you said angrily. "You could have made us look bad!"

"No, (Y/n). I knew better than to get close to the edge of the stage," Angel clarified. "You're just getting too careless with your teasing. That was the third time someone tried to put your hands on you. And that was this month ALONE."

You sighed and thought about your words carefully before speaking. "I know and I'm sorry. I was doing what's natural by giving what the fans want. That's what you would have done. Right?"

Angel glanced away for a second, slightly shaking his head at you in a disapproving manner. When he looked back at you, you could see his solemn expression on his face. Without saying another word, he took your hand into his and guided you to a couch nearby. The two of you sat down next to each other and the spider demon gave out a loud sigh. "Sweetie," he began. "You don't need to be like me. In fact, I don't think you'll be as good as me. I'm really flattered that you are shadowing me, but there are times you need to draw a line somewhere." Angel held your hands into his own and gazed into your eyes. "I'm sorry that I had to pull you off stage, but I had to in case things got out of hand."

One of his hands cupped the side of your face gently and you leaned into his comforting touch. His words and his gestures were so soothing to you. For some reason, Angel always knew what to say despite his provocative nature. He was so caring and kind to you. It made you want to forget all the bad in this word. All the bad things that were happening to you. The only thing you wish you could forget was Alastor. You wanted Angel to make you forget that Alastor exist. You wanted to forget the pain he has inflicted on you, intentionally and unintentionally. To end up serving the Radio Demon only to be tormented and abused for his own satisfaction, you would rather die by the hands of an angel. Setting those thoughts aside, you focused on Angel's warm and comforting hand on your cheek.

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