Ecstasy and Angel Dust

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Your heart sank and your body trembled as you tried to process what just happened. "Wh-what?" you asked quietly, staring at your boss in disbelief.

"I said, 'you're fired'," he repeated harshly. "Not only you were late on several occasions, but you are not meeting your demands as a performer. You're pathetic! Never have I seen such a sorry-ass performance in my years of working here! It was so bad that the crowd threw shit at you! I can't keep paying the custodians to keep cleaning up the stage after you! Most of that could have been for the other performers!!"

"I-I'm sorry! I tried really hard. I really did. I was robbed the day before the week before that! How can you expect me to be on time and perform with several injuries on my body?!"

"Save your excuses, (y/n)!!" He threw your stuff at your face and you made your best efforts to not cry in front of your boss. "I want you outta here! Out of my office! NOW!! And I'm not covering your unemployment benefits. Let someone else cover it for you."

You practically stormed out of the office and out of the building having to hear the cruel jeers and constant heckling from your ex-workmates and attendees. This was truly a bad day for you. As you held in your tears, you went to the closest dumpster and threw your stage clothes in the trash before making your way back to your house. You barely have enough for rent and you can't afford to pay for the light and gas bill. Hopefully, you can reason with them and convince them to give you an extra week until your last paycheck comes in. That is if you don't get robbed again.

You stopped for a moment and your ears picked up on the familiar footsteps a few feet behind you. Not again. "I don't have any money! Go away!" you yelled. You shook your head and began walking away again. As expected, the two demons followed you every step of the way. You stopped again and curled your claw-like fingers into a fist. That's right. Ever since you started working as a adult entertainer, you were robbed constantly and harassed every so often. So much that it costed you your job. Your anger bubbled to the surface and you gritted your teeth. "Did you not hear me? I said..." You turned around swiftly and lunged forward, ready to land a hit on one of the robbers. "I DON'T HAVE ANY MONEY!! NOW FUCK OFF!!"

They quickly maneuvered to the side, dodging your attack while grabbing your arm and slamming you against the brick wall. Your anger quickly dissipated into fear as you glanced around the other demons closing in on you. Now you've regretted trying to fight back. There was no way you can run from this many demons around you.

"Kehehe. I heard you got fired from that strip joint. That's too bad," one of them said. "I was really looking forward to seeing you embarrass yourself on stage."

You could tell they were enjoying your own torment and shame. Something that you did your best to hide from everyone in Hell. Why did they have to target only you? You were nothing special. "Please leave me alone," you pleaded weakly. All you got as a response is laughter, mocking your pleas to further insult you. Suddenly, you were forced on the ground on your back and the latter began tearing away your clothes. You pushed, slapped and kicked at them in hopes they would stop but they didn't. Eventually, your arms and legs were held down to restrain your movements. You yelled and screamed at them, telling them to stop. However, your begging fell on deaf ears as the group of demons continued their assault on you.

"HELP!! SOMEONE HELP ME PLEASE!!" You screamed at the top of your lungs. You shouted and screamed in a panic. You can't believe that you were going to be raped by a bunch of robbers. You wanted it to stop. You wanted to run away.

But you couldn't.

You couldn't run. You were held down against your will. Assaulted. Harassed.

And eventually...

Raped ...

Your voice was getting weaker. You just wanted it to stop. You shut your eyes tightly not wanting to see anymore. You braced yourself for the worst when you felt something warm splatter over parts of your body that weren't covered with fabric. Silence filled the air. It lasted for a good while until a sickening sound rung out followed by a heavy thud. Your eyes peaked open to see a tall and slender figure. It wore a psychotic and terrifying smile on their face as the figure glanced at you then at the demons, who are now cowering in fear. The demons that held you down are now releasing you in favor of backing away from the figure. You couldn't see the figure clearly due to the tears welding up in your eyes. The only thing you could see are the reddish colors.

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