Personal Favorite

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Everything is becoming more and more complicated between you and Alastor. You weren't sure if it's considered a good or bad thing. Moments ago, you were upset at him for hiding his status from you, not bothering to tell you beforehand. The next thing you knew, you were having a full-blown make out session with him.

While he held you up by the legs.

Against a wall.

It's been roughly thirty minutes and the two of you were still going at it. Rather, Alastor not letting up with you. You really loved it, but you were close to suffocating at this rate. You let out a few weak gasps and moans against his mouth, hoping he would give you a slight break. He took notice of this right away, pulling away just enough for you to get ample amounts of air.

"Mmm, I'm sorry, my dear," he cooed. "I got a little carried away."

"And it took you this long to realize that?" you panted, your face flushed with heat.

"Well, it's not my fault that you have such soft and kissable lips." He hovered over to the base of your neck, planting small kisses along your collarbone. "And have I mentioned that you have the most wondrous scent? Maybe the best one by far?"

...okay that sounded kinda creepy by your standards.

Alastor brought himself back up to glance at your face, smiling happily at you. It may be the lighting or the glow on your skin that made him notice how stunning you look tonight. Tantalizing even. How lucky he is to have someone like you in his life. How much he wants to make you happy, how much he wants to hurt and scare you, you were the dividing scale between the fear and delight. Out of all the demons and sinners he has came across during his years in Hell, you were slowly becoming his favorite.

A rather "close" favorite of his.

"Alastor. Can you put me down now?" you requested. "I'm starting to go numb in the legs."

He simply gave you a teasing look.

"Alastor, I'm serious! Plus, Madame Aura's probably wondering where we are and we've been gone for a while now."

"Oh, no need to worry about her, dear (Y/n)." His lithe fingers popped open the front of your dress, letting out a soft growl as he gazed into your eyes intensely. "Just let me indulge myself for a few more minutes."

He gradually lowered himself to the top of your exposed chest, kissing, biting, and sucking on your delicate skin. Your breath hitched sharply, your fingers clawing into the back of his jacket as you felt the blissful pain of his love bites. He used his body to press you further against the cold wall behind you, his claws digging into the back of your thighs. He continued to leave more marks on your chest, hearing the soft whimpers and moans spilling from your lips. The sounds you made with your voice was so incredibly enticing. He loved hearing them. Although, it's nothing like the screams of his victims, but something about your voice seems... pleasant to listen to.

His lips trailed even lower to the middle of your chest, gently tugging the front of your dress down. From there, he left a few more marks on your skin before he ran his tongue back up to your neck eagerly at a slow pace. He could practically taste the salt on your soft and supple skin. Oh, how much he would give to rip the flesh off of your bones and gobble them down like candy. You were such a delectable morsel to him. He could think of numerous ways to prep and cook your body. But what do fae demons even taste like? He hopes your meat isn't too horribly sweet; it would be more than enough to discourage his appetite. Realizing his thoughts were becoming a bit too ravenous towards you, he pushed whatever thoughts he had about eating you all the way to the back of his mind. He has to maintain his more cannibalistic hunger around you. Not to mention, you were literally a walking poison. He can't eat you, he doesn't want to, but his more demonic predatory side is telling him otherwise.

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