Angel 04

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Lavender woke up the next morning to an alarm that rang throughout the whole house.

She groaned and got out of bed, preparing for a day of dumb activities. After taking a shower, brushing her teeth, and washing her hair, she ventured out of the bathroom and into the main room. Opening the closet where her duffel lay, she threw it on the bed, unzipped it, and searched for something to wear. She chose a black off-the-shoulder, long-sleeved crop top and paired it with bleached blue ripped jeans. She completed the outfit with black Lycra knee-high flat boots.

After putting on her clothes, she noticed her hair was curly and decided to leave it that way. Not being a fan of makeup, she opted for some lip balm. She sprayed on some perfume, then stuffed her phone and keycard in her pocket, and tucked her pocket knife into her boots.

She opened her room door and made sure to close it behind her.

Walking down the stairs, she saw a few members of the cohort mingling, but she was in no mood to make friends. She sat on a bar stool to the side, scrolling through her social media when a tall brunette with forest green eyes approached her.

Lavender raised her left eyebrow in acknowledgment. The brunette cleared her throat and introduced herself, "Hi, my name is Celeste."

Lavender finally looked up and gave her a dull expression. "So?"

"So... I admire your style and your I-don't-give-a-fuck attitude. Do you wanna hang with me?"

Lavender considered it but wasn't big on groups and friends. She only had one close friend, and she was gone now. "Look, Celeste, I'm not a big fan of groups and friends, but... thanks for the offer." Celeste didn't seem like her type of friend; Lavender was a badass with good looks.

Celeste frowned. "But it's just me, and I don't mess with a lot of people either. Let's grab breakfast together, and if you don't like me, I'll back off," she pleaded.

Lavender sighed and got up, willing herself to give the girl a few hours. "Fine, but I know I won't like you."

Celeste's face lit up, and she grabbed Lavender's wrist, dragging her to the cafeteria.

As soon as they entered, the smell of bacon and eggs wafted through the air. Lavender's mouth watered, and her stomach grumbled. Celeste chuckled at her hungry state, earning a quick glare.

They walked up to the cafeteria lady, who handed Lavender a plate. Lavender didn't bother waiting for Celeste. "Hey! Wait up!" Celeste shouted.

Lavender quickly scanned the area for an escape but found none. She ended up taking a seat at the back. Not long after, Celeste walked up to her table, bothering her with her presence.

Celeste understood that Lavender wanted to eat in silence and didn't say anything while they finished breakfast. As Lavender was eating her last piece of bacon, Blondie approached with a mischievous glint in his hazel eyes.

Celeste across from her was practically drooling. "Feisty, wanna be my partner for the trust exercises? Logan said it's a pair thing," he asked.

"Hey Celeste, do you hear something?"

"No," she said coyly.

"Oh, I thought I did," Lavender muttered, then motioned for Celeste to follow her as she got up.

She walked right past Blondie, who looked hurt. The coolness in her heart and her pride forbade her from looking back.

Celeste laughed. "Wow, you really are a badass!"

Lavender laughed along with her. "You aren't as bad as I thought you were, you know that?"

Celeste smiled and looped her arm through Lavender's. They walked and got to know each other on their way to the front lawn for the trust exercises.

When they arrived, most people were already there, stretching and pairing up. Celeste and Lavender had an unspoken agreement to be partners.

Logan cleared his throat. "Morning criminals, today we are building trust. So pair up," he said in his usual bored tone.

Everyone spread out with their partners. Blondie was with a short raven-haired girl, Ambrose was with a tall blonde, and the other people paired up.

"The first exercise is the trust fall," Logan yelled.

"Okay Celeste, I'll catch you first, then you catch me," Lavender ordered.

Celeste nodded, stood in front of her, and leaned back. Lavender caught her effortlessly. Logan watched and jotted something down in his notepad.

Then, Lavender stood in front of Celeste and leaned back. Celeste caught her but almost dropped her. Lavender glared but bit her tongue. She let the anger pass and wiped a smirk on her face. The most emotion they would get from her.

Lavender wanted to go to prison, but not juvie. She needed to confront someone; it was all her fault. And Lavender intended to kill her for it.

Logan then ordered them to do the buddy walk. Celeste had to blindfold Lavender and walk her through the garden and back safely. Lavender was mortified. Celeste might kill her.

"Don't you dare make me fall," Lavender warned, pointing her finger in Celeste's face. Celeste visibly shuddered and nodded.

Celeste took a handkerchief and covered Lavender's eyes. Oh boy, she better not kill her.

Celeste led Lavender cautiously through the garden, guiding her steps with gentle nudges and whispered directions. Lavender's heart pounded, but she resisted the urge to peek. Trust was not something she gave easily, especially after everything that had happened.

"Watch out, there's a step coming up," Celeste warned.

Lavender lifted her foot and stepped over it, feeling a bit of relief. Celeste was surprisingly careful and attentive. Maybe this girl wasn't so bad after all.

As they continued, Lavender heard the sound of birds chirping and felt the warmth of the sun on her face. For a brief moment, she allowed herself to relax, trusting Celeste more with each step.

They reached the end of the garden, and Celeste removed the blindfold. Lavender blinked against the sudden brightness and looked around. The group was scattered, some struggling with their exercises, others laughing and joking.

"See? I didn't let you fall," Celeste said with a small smile.

Lavender nodded, a reluctant smile tugging at her lips. "You did good, Celeste. Thanks."

Before she could say more, Logan clapped his hands to get their attention. "Alright, everyone, gather around. We're moving on to the next activity."

Lavender and Celeste exchanged a glance, a newfound camaraderie forming between them. Maybe, just maybe, this place wouldn't be as bad as she thought.

. . .

End of Chapter 4.

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