Angel 22

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Lavender White sat in the cold, sterile room of Baldwin Correctional Facility, nervously tapping her fingers on the table. Her dark hair was pulled back into a tight ponytail, and her eyes darted around the room, taking in every detail. This wasn't the first time she had been here, but this time felt different. This time, everything was on the line.

The door creaked open, and Isabel Veratti walked in, her heels clicking on the tile floor. Isabel was a sharp, no-nonsense lawyer with a reputation for getting her clients out of impossible situations. Today, she wore a sleek black suit and carried a thick folder under her arm. She smiled warmly at Lav, trying to put her at ease.

"Morning, Lavender," Isabel said, pulling out a chair and sitting across from her. "How are you holding up?"

Lav shrugged. "As well as I can be, considering. Have you talked to Ambrose?"

Isabel nodded. "I have. He's as tough as they come, but even he's worried. We need to focus on your case now, though. We need to build a strong defense."

Lav took a deep breath. "I didn't mean to kill Logan. He was coming after us. He wanted to kill me and Ambrose because he thought my mom killed his dad."

Isabel leaned forward, placing her folder on the table and opening it. "I know. And that's what we need to prove in court. We have to show that you acted in self-defense. Tell me everything that happened that night, Lav. I need to know every detail."

Lav nodded and began to recount the events of that fateful night. "It was late. Ambrose and I were on the roof, just talking. Logan came out of nowhere. He had this crazy look in his eyes. He started yelling, saying he was going to kill us both. I tried to calm him down, but he wouldn't listen. He pulled out a knife. I panicked. I pushed him, and he fell off the roof."

Isabel listened intently, jotting down notes. "Okay, this is good. We can work with this. Now, we need to gather evidence to support your story. Were there any witnesses?"

Lav shook her head. "No, it was just the three of us. But Ambrose can back me up. He was there."

Isabel frowned slightly. "Ambrose's testimony will help, but we need more. We need to find any physical evidence that can support your claim. Did you see where Logan fell? Was there anything there that can prove he had a knife?"

Lav thought for a moment. "There might have been. It was dark, but I remember seeing something shiny near where he fell."

Isabel nodded. "Good. We'll need to get the police to check the scene again for that knife. It could be crucial evidence."

Lav's eyes filled with tears. "I'm scared, Isabel. What if they don't believe me? What if they think I'm just a killer?"

Isabel reached across the table and squeezed Lav's hand. "We're going to fight this, Lav. You're not alone. We'll get through this together."

Lav wiped her tears and took a deep breath. "What about Ambrose? How are we going to get him off?"

Isabel sighed. "Ambrose's case is more complicated. He has a history, and the prosecution is going to use that against him. But we'll fight for him too. We need to prove that Logan was the aggressor, and that Ambrose was only trying to protect you."

Lav nodded. "He was. He always protects me."

Isabel smiled. "Then we'll make sure the court knows that. Now, let's go over your testimony again. I want to make sure you're prepared for anything the prosecution might throw at you."

For the next few hours, Lav and Isabel went over every detail of the night Logan died. Isabel coached Lav on how to stay calm and composed on the stand, how to answer questions clearly and confidently. By the time they were done, Lav felt more prepared, but the weight of the upcoming trial still hung heavy over her.

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