Angel 06

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As Lavender walked with her books in hand towards the locker whose key Logan had so rudely thrown at her, she realized her locker partner was Ambrose. She was honestly tired of seeing him around. She thought it was time to teach him a lesson.

Devious thoughts swirled through her mind: flooding his locker, egging his room—she needed something epic.

Lavender dumped her books in the dark blue locker with the combination 02-13-56, hoping she wouldn't forget it.

All the classes were held in the west wing of the building, one class beside the other. There were approximately eight rooms used for school, all equipped with desks, chairs, and electric whiteboards. Lavender pitied the teacher who had to teach delinquents. At least the classes were split up. There were two classes going on when she had French: Social Studies and History.

When she stepped into the room, there were three students inside patiently awaiting the teacher. A blonde guy, a brunette girl, and a caramel-skinned guy with brown curly hair. He was cute.

Lavender chose a seat in the middle of the classroom, directly adjacent to the air conditioning. She took out her book and her brand-new RSVP pen. Then, a dark-skinned lady wearing the most ridiculous clothes ever stepped into the classroom and said, "Bonjour, mes chers."

No one answered her. She sighed and sat on the floor in front of the class. "Guys, I'm—" before she could finish her statement, Ambrose sauntered into the class late, a smug look on his face.

He looked at Lavender and winked, making her feel disgusted. Then he walked to the back of the class, saying to the teacher, "Sup, miss?"

"Nothing, my dear," she replied, looking at him curiously.

Lavender would look at him like that too if she didn't already figure him out. He thought he was the baddest and hottest here. He was like her—she wasn't ashamed to admit it.

Ambrose walked in, dressed in full black clothes: a black T-shirt that clung to his body like a second skin, showing off his biceps, black ripped jeans, and a black jean jacket over his shoulder. While everybody else dressed like nerds or tried too hard, Lavender got why he thought he was the shit.

He was just like her.

Their teacher introduced herself as Pearl Adams. Pearl, as she insisted they call her, told them that today was just an introductory class. They'd be learning the basics, like how to say their names, greet people, and ask how they're doing—simple things.

As the class commenced, Lavender found herself intrigued by the dynamics unfolding around her. Pearl's unconventional appearance and casual demeanor intrigued her. It was evident that Pearl had a unique approach to teaching, setting her apart from the other teachers.

While the rest of the students remained silent, Lavender decided to engage with Pearl's introduction. She raised her hand and asked, "Pearl, what sparked your interest in teaching French? It seems like you have a different style compared to the other teachers here."

Pearl's eyes sparkled with appreciation for the question, and she smiled warmly. "Ah, a curious mind! I've always had a deep passion for languages, and French, in particular, holds a special place in my heart. I believe in making language learning fun, relatable, and engaging. By incorporating various interactive activities, stories, and cultural elements into our lessons, we can truly immerse ourselves in the beauty of the language."

Her response piqued the interest of the other students, and a wave of curiosity seemed to wash over the classroom. It was refreshing to witness the initial skepticism transform into genuine intrigue.

Pearl continued, her voice resonating with enthusiasm. "You see, language is more than just words on a page. It opens doors to new cultures, perspectives, and connections. My goal is to create an environment where we not only learn the language but also develop a genuine appreciation for its rich history and the diverse Francophone world. Together, we'll embark on a journey beyond textbooks, exploring the magic of French through music, films, and various projects... if your classmates are good, maybe even a field trip."

As Pearl spoke, the classroom's atmosphere transformed. The students leaned forward, their eyes gleaming with anticipation. Even Ambrose, who had entered the classroom with an air of arrogance, seemed captivated by Pearl's words.

With each passing moment, Lavender's devious thoughts about Ambrose began to fade. Instead, a new desire blossomed within her—a yearning to truly embrace the opportunities that Pearl's class would offer, to immerse herself in the world of French beyond the confines of these walls.

Little did she know that this introductory class would mark the beginning of an extraordinary journey, where language, culture, and unexpected friendships would intertwine, forever changing the course of their lives.

As the class progressed, their focus shifted from Pearl's introduction to the interactive activities she had planned. Pearl encouraged them to pair up with classmates and practice basic French conversational phrases. It was during one of these activities that fate decided to bring Lavender and Ambrose together.

Pearl instructed them to form pairs and gave them a list of questions to ask their partners in French. As the students scattered around the room, Lavender found herself face-to-face with Ambrose. Their eyes met, and there was a flicker of surprise on both their faces.

"Looks like we're partners," Ambrose remarked with a mischievous grin, breaking the brief silence between them.

Lavender was skeptical about collaborating with him. However, considering their shared interest in French and the unexpected turn of events, she decided to give it a chance.

They began the exercise, taking turns asking and answering questions in French. As Lavender listened to Ambrose speak, she couldn't help but notice his natural charm and the ease with which he handled the language. He surprised her with his pronunciation and his ability to construct meaningful sentences.

As the conversation continued, Ambrose opened up, revealing a side she hadn't expected. They exchanged stories about their experiences with French, their reasons for studying the language, and even shared a few laughs over amusing language mishaps.

It became apparent that beneath his tough exterior, Ambrose possessed a genuine passion for learning, hidden beneath layers of confidence and nonchalance. They found themselves engrossed in their discussion, forgetting about the surrounding classroom and the judgmental gazes of their peers.

Pearl, who had been observing their interaction from a distance, approached their pair with a smile. "I see you two have discovered the joy of conversation. Remember, language learning is not just about grammar and vocabulary, but also about connecting with others through words. Keep up the great work!"

Her words resonated with both of them, and as Lavender and Ambrose continued their conversation, an unexpected camaraderie began to develop. It was as if they had found a shared language beyond French, one that allowed them to understand each other on a deeper level.

By the end of the class, Lavender's perspective on Ambrose had shifted. The devious thoughts that had filled her mind earlier were replaced by a newfound appreciation for his complexity. Perhaps there was more to him than met the eye, just as there was more to her than the facade she presented to the world.

As they left the classroom, Ambrose turned to her and said, "Hey, Lavender, maybe we should practice our French outside of class sometime. What do you think?"

Surprisingly, she found herself agreeing with a genuine smile. "Sure, Ambrose. That sounds like a plan. After all, who knows what other surprises await us?"


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