Angel 15

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Lavender White woke up to the blaring sound of her phone ringing. Disoriented, she blinked against the early morning light streaming through the window. Her eyes widened as she realized she wasn't alone—Ambrose Cunningham was lying next to her, his arm draped over her waist. Carefully, she reached over him to grab her phone from the nightstand, her heart pounding as she saw Logan Carter's name on the screen.

"Hello?" she answered, her voice thick with sleep.

"Lavender White," Logan's voice was stern, not a hint of warmth. "I know about the party last night."

Lavender sat up, the fog of sleep vanishing instantly. "Logan, I—"

"Save it," Logan interrupted. "You and everyone else involved need to clean the entire camp and make it spotless. If you don't, you're all going to prison. Do I make myself clear?"

"Yes, sir," Lavender replied, feeling the weight of his words settle on her shoulders.

"Good. You have until noon. Get moving." The call ended abruptly, leaving Lavender staring at her phone in disbelief.

Beside her, Ambrose stirred, his eyes flickering open. "What's going on?" he asked, his voice groggy.

"Logan knows about the party," Lavender said urgently. "We need to clean the entire camp by noon, or we're all going to prison."

Ambrose sat up, his expression hardening. "Well, that's one way to wake up."

Lavender quickly got dressed. "We need to wake everyone up. I'll get Celeste and Josh. You start cleaning up outside."

Ambrose nodded, already pulling on his clothes. "Got it."

Lavender rushed out of the room and headed towards Celeste's room first. She knocked loudly until Celeste opened the door, her eyes puffy from sleep.

"Lav, what's going on?" Celeste mumbled.

"Logan knows about the party," Lavender said, her voice urgent. "We need to clean the entire camp by noon, or we're all going to prison."

Celeste's eyes widened in shock. "What? That's insane!"

"I know, but we don't have a choice. Get dressed and start waking everyone up. I'll get Josh."

Celeste nodded and hurried back into her room to get ready. Lavender turned and sprinted down the hall to Josh's room. She pounded on the door until he opened it, looking disheveled and confused.

"Lavender? What's happening?" Josh asked, rubbing his eyes.

"Logan knows about the party. We need to clean the camp, now," Lavender explained quickly.

"Are you serious?" Josh groaned but nodded. "Alright, let's get to it."

Together, they headed back to the main hall, where the party had taken place. The floor was littered with empty cups, plates, and food wrappers. The smell of spilled drinks and sweat lingered in the air. Lavender grabbed a trash bag and started picking up the mess, her mind racing.

As she worked, more kids from the camp began to filter in, rubbing their eyes and grumbling about being woken up so early. Celeste had done her part, getting everyone moving. Soon, the hall was bustling with activity as everyone pitched in to clean.

Josh was in the kitchen, scrubbing down counters and mopping the floor. He moved quickly, his usual lighthearted demeanor replaced with grim determination. "Hey, Lav!" he called out when she passed by. "Any idea how long we've got?"

"Until noon," Lavender replied, glancing at her watch. "We've got a few hours, but we need to hurry."

Josh nodded and went back to work. Lavender continued her rounds, making sure everyone was doing their part. She found Ambrose outside, raking up trash that had been scattered across the grounds. His movements were precise and methodical, his face set in a determined scowl.

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