Angel 24

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Isabel stood up as the judge entered and called the court to order. "Today, Your Honor, we will present character witnesses to speak on behalf of Lavender White and Ambrose Cunningham."

The judge nodded. "Proceed, Ms. Veratti."

Isabel turned to the audience. "We call Mr. Daniel Thompson to the stand."

Daniel, a counselor from the Fire and Ice camp, stepped forward. He was a tall man with kind eyes and a gentle demeanor. After being sworn in, he took a seat on the witness stand.

"Mr. Thompson," Isabel began, "can you tell the court about your role at the Fire and Ice camp and your interactions with Lavender and Ambrose?"

"Of course," Daniel said. "I've been a counselor at Fire and Ice for five years. My job is to help troubled youth find a better path. I've worked closely with Lavender and Ambrose during their time at camp."

"What can you tell us about their behavior and character?" Isabel asked.

Daniel smiled. "Lavender and Ambrose both have had their share of struggles, but they've shown tremendous growth. Lavender, despite her tough exterior, is deeply caring and protective of her friends. Ambrose, though he has a rough past, has shown leadership qualities and a willingness to help others."

Isabel nodded. "Can you give us an example of their positive behavior?"

"Sure," Daniel said. "There was an incident where a new camper was being bullied. Lavender and Ambrose stepped in to stop it and supported the camper, helping him feel safe and included. It showed their true character beyond their records."

"Thank you, Mr. Thompson. No further questions," Isabel said.

The prosecutor stood. "Mr. Thompson, are you aware of Lavender and Ambrose's criminal records?"

"Yes, I am," Daniel replied calmly. "But I've also seen how much they've changed. They're not the same people who committed those crimes."

The prosecutor smirked. "No further questions."

As Daniel left the stand, Isabel called the next witness. "We call Ms. Theresa Martinez to the stand."

Theresa, a guard from Baldwin Correctional Facility, walked confidently to the stand. She was a sturdy woman with a no-nonsense attitude, but her eyes softened as she looked at Lav and Ambrose.

"Ms. Martinez," Isabel began, "can you tell the court about your interactions with Lavender and Ambrose at Baldwin Correctional Facility?"

"Certainly," Theresa said. "I've been working at Baldwin for ten years, and I've seen all kinds of inmates. Lavender and Ambrose stand out because of their respectful behavior and willingness to follow the rules."

"Can you provide specific examples?" Isabel asked.

"Lavender has been involved in several programs, including education and therapy, showing a real desire to improve. Ambrose has taken on a mentor role, helping younger inmates navigate the system and stay out of trouble. They've both shown they want to make positive changes," Theresa explained.

"Thank you, Ms. Martinez. No further questions," Isabel said.

The prosecutor approached. "Ms. Martinez, do you believe that participating in programs erases their past crimes?"

"No," Theresa replied firmly. "But it shows they're trying to change. They deserve a chance to prove they can be better."

The prosecutor nodded curtly. "No further questions."

As Theresa returned to her seat, Isabel called the next witness. "We call Ms. Samantha Grey to the stand."

Samantha, a teacher from Fire and Ice, took the stand. She was a petite woman with bright eyes and a warm smile. After taking the oath, she glanced at Lav and Ambrose, her expression full of support.

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