Angel 05

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A certain blackness overtook Lavender's vision when the handkerchief covered her eyes. Her memories clouded her thoughts.

The dark room, with grey walls held blood stains. She glanced down at the knife in her hands and her bloodied clothes. A sharp breath escaped her mouth, what she saw when she looked down shocked her. The body on the ground with multiple stab wounds would haunt her for life.

. . .

Celeste held Lavender's shoulders and gently pushed her forward. Good for her, because if Lavender fell, Celeste was dead. Lavender felt the cool breeze blowing her hair in several directions until Celeste pulled her to a halt, making her stub her toe. "Do you want to die today?" Lavender asked.

Celeste chuckled sheepishly and mumbled a timid sorry. She continued pulling Lavender forward until Logan's annoying voice announced that Celeste and Lavender had won. Lavender harshly dragged the handkerchief from her eyes, then turned around, taking in her surroundings.

They were at the end of a field, with green, luscious grass and trees littering every corner.

"The winners get a fifteen-minute phone break while the rest of you losers have to set up the cafeteria for lunch," Logan grumbled. Lavender smiled a genuine smile for the first time today after hearing the expletives and the distressed looks on everyone else's faces.

Celeste wasn't so bad because she earned them free time. Lavender felt someone watching her and glanced behind to see that she had a stalker. It was none other than the dickwad Ambrose. She had to admit though, he was hot.

His thick brown hair leaned over his midnight blue eyes. As he pushed his hair back with his right hand, she caught sight of a snake tattoo traveling from his wrist to his bicep. She was caught staring, and as their eyes connected, she saw his long lashes hitting under his eye every time he blinked. His pink lips pulled up in a smirk when he caught her looking. "Take a picture, it will last longer," he shouted from across the field.

She rolled her eyes and continued walking, leaving the idiot behind. Celeste beside her practically had her jaw on the floor, making Lavender snicker. She really thought they were in the same league; Lavender was too hot to handle.

The journey back to camp was uninteresting, and Lavender's attention shifted to everyone in their cohort. She observed them closely. The blonde that was with Ambrose was trying her best to keep his attention. Meanwhile, it seemed like they had already slept together, hence why he was a little distant from her. The girl who was with Josh had his full, undivided attention, but Lavender could tell he hadn't been in her pants yet, which was why he was behaving like this and she was lapping it up like a dog.

For pretty girls, Lavender couldn't believe they behaved this way. It was laughable. If Celeste and Lavender were going to be friends, Celeste couldn't behave that way.

As soon as they got back to camp, Logan authorized them to use their phones during lunch. After lunch came Lavender's least favorite part of the day (cue the sarcasm)... classes. Honestly, she didn't know why she even bothered, maybe because she wasn't a quitter, and quitters were losers. Lavender White did not lose.

For lunch, they had mashed potatoes and baked chicken. Lavender loved it, from the gravy to the tenderness of the meat. This place wasn't as bad as she thought it would be. After lunch, they were told to go and pick up their ID cards that they were supposed to get that morning. Cue the eye roll.

Lavender's ID picture was beautiful, but seeing as she had on a hat, an argument ensued the previous night. The photographer and she disagreed about the hat, so it was a hassle. Her picture was stunning with her pin-straight, black hair cascading down her shoulders with the hat covering the top, which she teased to hide the gun and her brown eyes boring holes into the photographer's face. She loved it; it showed who she was... Ms. Not to be messed with.

After collecting the cards, Logan handed them their class schedules... boring.

Everyone in the group had the same subjects, making the situation bearable for Lavender. They all had classes from 11 to 6, with a break from 2 to 3. The subjects included French, Physics, Business Administration, Advanced Mathematics, Geography, Advanced Literature, and an elective period for Poetry/Creative Writing.

Secretly, Lavender loved most of the subjects except Math. However, if she could do physics, she would push through in math.

Lavender knew what everyone was wondering. If she was so good at school, why wasn't she attending, and why was she sent to Fire and Ice? The truth was, she couldn't afford to go to school. Her stepfather, before he died, couldn't afford to send her. Lavender turned to a life of crime to put food on the table because how could she go to school if she was dead from starvation?

That didn't mean she didn't want to go back, but she just didn't have the time.

Celeste peeked over at Lavender's schedule and scrunched up her nose. Lavender glared at her, "What?"

"Well... it's just that all our subjects are hard, like super hard," Celeste said, a dumb look on her face.

"They are not. The only reason you think that is because you're an idiot, obviously," Lavender snarled. "Let me see yours," she demanded, grabbing Celeste's paper from her grasp.

Celeste Bailey, that was her full name. She had the same classes as Lavender but at different times. Business Administration was first, followed by Physics, French, Geography, Advanced Mathematics, Advanced Literature, and finally, Poetry/Creative Writing. At least she had two classes with Lavender.

"What an idiot," Lavender muttered under her breath.

She handed Celeste's paper back to her, and Celeste frowned, crumpling the edges.

"Hey, Logan! Do we get credits for these classes?" Lavender asked.

"Unfortunately, yeah you do," Logan said, then continued texting on his phone.


Josh walked over to Lavender and asked to see her schedule. She didn't show him at first but realized he wouldn't stop bothering her if she didn't.

"Heyyyy, we have Physics and Advanced Lit together!" he cheered, his smile too bright. Lavender rolled her eyes, trying to ignore him.

When he finally left and lunch was almost up, Lavender lazily got up and went to her room to grab her school supplies.

"This is gonna be a long day," she told Celeste as they walked to their rooms.

What? Celeste was growing on her since she refused to leave her alone.

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