Angel 19

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Lavender White sat at a small wooden table in the corner of the prison's activity room, her fingers working deftly through the embroidery hoop in front of her. The brightly colored threads contrasted sharply with the dull, gray walls of the Baldwin Correctional Facility, but Lavender found some solace in the repetitive motions of her work.

"Not bad," said Clara, her cellmate, who was sitting across from her, carefully stitching a floral pattern. "You've got a knack for this."

Lavender smiled weakly. "Thanks, Clara. It keeps my mind off things."

Clara nodded, her eyes focused on her work. "Yeah, it's one of the few things here that feels... normal."

The hum of idle chatter filled the room, but Lavender remained silent, lost in thought. Her mind drifted to Ambrose and the last time they spoke. She missed him more than she cared to admit, and the uncertainty of his situation gnawed at her.

Just as she was beginning to lose herself in her thoughts, a guard approached their table. "White, you have a call."

Lavender's heart skipped a beat. "Who is it?"

The guard shrugged. "You'll find out. Come on."

She followed the guard to a small room with a single phone on the wall. The guard gestured for her to pick it up and then stepped back, giving her some privacy.

Lavender lifted the receiver to her ear. "Hello?"

"Lav, it's me," came Ambrose's voice, rough and low, but unmistakable.

"Ambrose!" Lavender's voice broke with emotion. "Are you okay? Where are you?"

"I'm fine, Lav. I'm at Central Correctional. It's rough here, but I'm managing. What about you?"

Lavender took a deep breath, trying to steady her racing heart. "I'm holding up. They've got me doing embroidery classes to keep us busy."

Ambrose chuckled softly. "Embroidery, huh? Never thought I'd hear you say that."

Lavender smiled despite herself. "Yeah, well, it's not exactly my choice, but it helps pass the time."

There was a pause, and Lavender could almost feel Ambrose's presence through the phone. "Lav, I'm sorry we're not together. I hate being apart from you."

"I know," Lavender whispered. "But we'll get through this. We have to."

Ambrose's voice grew more serious. "Listen, I've been talking to some guys in here. There might be a way to get out sooner, but it's risky."

"Risky how?" Lavender asked, her heart pounding.

"Some of the inmates are planning something big. A breakout. But it's dangerous, and if it goes wrong..."

Lavender felt a chill run down her spine. "Ambrose, I don't want you getting hurt. We can't afford to lose each other."

"I know, Lav. But we can't just sit here and do nothing. We need to be together to figure out our next move."

Lavender closed her eyes, her mind racing. "Just promise me you'll be careful. We've been through too much to lose each other now."

"I promise," Ambrose said softly. "Stay strong, Lav. I'll find a way back to you."

Before Lavender could respond, the guard signaled that her time was up. "I have to go," she said reluctantly. "Stay safe, Ambrose."

"You too, Lav. I'll be thinking of you."

The line went dead, and Lavender slowly hung up the receiver, a mix of fear and hope swirling in her chest. As she was escorted back to the activity room, Clara looked up from her embroidery.

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