Angel 10

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The morning sun filtered through the trees, casting dappled shadows on the ground as Lavender White made her way to the morning reform session. She couldn't shake the feeling of unease that had settled over her since yesterday's room search. Someone had reported her, she was sure of it, but she had no idea who it could be.

As she entered the meeting room, she scanned the faces of her fellow campers, searching for any sign of guilt or suspicion. Josh and Ambrose were already seated at the back of the room, their expressions unreadable as usual.

Lavender took her seat beside them, her mind racing with possibilities. Who would betray her like that? Was it one of her classmates, trying to earn favor with the counselors? Or perhaps someone from her past, seeking revenge for something she had done?

The camp counselor stood at the front of the room, addressing the group with a stern expression. "Good morning, campers. Today, we'll be discussing the importance of trust and accountability in our community."

Lavender tried to focus on the counselor's words, but her mind kept drifting back to the betrayal she had experienced. She couldn't shake the feeling of betrayal, the sense of violation that lingered in the air.

After the session ended, Lavender approached Josh and Ambrose, her expression tense. "Did either of you hear anything about who reported me?" she asked, her voice low.

Josh shook his head, a frown creasing his brow. "Sorry, Lavender. I haven't heard anything."

Ambrose remained silent, his eyes fixed on the ground. Lavender could sense the tension in the air, the unspoken words hanging between them like a dark cloud.

Frustration bubbled up inside her as she realized she was no closer to finding out the truth. She had hoped that Josh or Ambrose would have some information, some clue that would lead her to the culprit, but it seemed that she was on her own.

With a sigh, Lavender turned away, her shoulders slumping in defeat. She knew she couldn't let this betrayal consume her, couldn't let it distract her from the goal of getting through the summer and avoiding prison.

As she walked away from Josh and Ambrose, she made a silent vow to herself. She wouldn't let anyone else get in her way, wouldn't let anyone else bring her down. She would find out who had reported her, one way or another, and when she did, they would pay for what they had done.

But for now, she had to focus on surviving another day at Fire and Ice, on keeping her head down and staying out of trouble. And maybe, just maybe, she would find a way to turn this setback into an opportunity, to come out on top despite the odds stacked against her.


The midday sun beat down on the Fire and Ice campgrounds, casting long shadows across the dusty paths as Lavender White made her way towards her next class. But instead of heading to the classroom, she veered off the path, her heart pounding with nervous excitement.

"Where are we going?" Celeste asked, falling into step beside her, her eyes wide with curiosity.

Lavender glanced around to make sure no one was watching before she leaned in close to Celeste, a mischievous grin spreading across her face. "We're skipping class," she whispered, her voice filled with a hint of rebellion.

Celeste's eyes widened even further, a smile tugging at the corners of her lips. "Seriously?" she exclaimed, her voice tinged with excitement. "What's the occasion?"

Lavender shrugged, trying to play it cool even though her heart was racing with adrenaline. "Just need a break," she said nonchalantly, though the stress of yesterday's room search still weighed heavily on her mind.

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