Angel 14

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Because the adults escaped on a weekend convention, trying to build trust in the delinquents, a plan was in formation.

The night was alive with the hum of excitement. The grand ballroom of the Fire and Ice hotel had been transformed into a vibrant, pulsating party venue. Lights flashed in sync with the heavy beats of the music, casting colorful reflections on the polished marble floor. Teenagers danced, laughed, and talked in clusters, reveling in their temporary freedom.

Lavender White and Celeste Bailey stood in front of the mirror in their room, admiring their outfits. Lavender wore a tight, shimmering black dress that clung to her curves, making her blue eyes stand out even more. Celeste, in contrast, had chosen a red mini dress that highlighted her auburn hair and brought out the mischief in her eyes.

"You ready, Lav?" Celeste asked, applying the final touch of her lipstick.

"Born ready," Lavender replied with a smirk. She adjusted her dress one last time and they headed out, their heels clicking on the floor as they walked.

Downstairs, the party was in full swing. Josh Worthy leaned against a wall, observing the scene. He wore a leather jacket over a white t-shirt, his casual demeanor masking the tension in his eyes.

"Hey, Josh!" Lavender's voice cut through the noise. He turned to see her and Celeste making their way towards him. "Looking good," she said with a wink.

"Thanks, you too," Josh replied, his eyes lingering on Lavender a moment longer than necessary.

Ambrose Cunningham was already at the party, standing near the makeshift bar set up in the corner. His presence was commanding, a mixture of danger and allure. He wore a black button-down shirt, sleeves rolled up to reveal his tattooed forearms. His dark eyes scanned the room, ever watchful.

As Lavender and Celeste approached the bar, Ambrose's gaze landed on them. He gave a nod of acknowledgment. "Ladies," he greeted, his voice a deep rumble.

"Ambrose," Lavender said, her tone teasing. "Enjoying the party?"

"It's alright," he replied with a shrug, but there was a glint in his eye as he looked at her.

Celeste leaned in close to Lavender. "Let's hit the bathroom," she whispered. Lavender nodded, and they slipped away from the crowd, making their way to the restroom.

Inside, Celeste pulled out a small bag of pills. "Ready for some fun?" she asked.

Lavender hesitated for a moment but then nodded. "Why not? Let's live a little."

They each took a pill, washing it down with water from the sink. The effects were almost immediate, a rush of euphoria and energy. They giggled as they fixed their makeup, ready to return to the party.

Back in the ballroom, the music had shifted to a slower, more seductive beat. Lavender felt a wave of confidence as she walked straight up to Ambrose. "Dance with me," she said boldly.

Ambrose raised an eyebrow but didn't hesitate. He took her hand and led her to the dance floor. They moved together, their bodies close, the chemistry undeniable.

A few feet away, Josh watched them, feeling a pang of something he couldn't quite identify. Jealousy, maybe. He shook his head, trying to focus on the music and the party around him.

Nyla, a blonde girl with a reputation for being both dumb and vindictive, watched Lavender and Ambrose with narrowed eyes. She had her sights set on Ambrose and didn't like the competition.

Unable to stand it any longer, Nyla stormed over. "Hey, get your hands off him!" she yelled at Lavender, pushing her aside.

Lavender stumbled but quickly regained her balance. "What's your problem?" she shot back, her voice sharp.

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