Party ups and downs

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TW: bulimia

"Spill" Hanna said looking at Emily expectedly.

"What are you talking about? Spill what?" Emily said in faux confusion.

"Don't give me the swim around, what's going on," Hanna said pointedly.

"Hanna I-" Emily started then stopped as she realized what Hanna just said.

"Um Hanna, the saying is the run around?" Emily said confused.

"What?" Hanna said now confused as well.

"You said don't give me the swim around when it's supposed to be the run-around," Emily informed her.

"Ugh, we'll you swim so I- forget it!" Hanna shook her head bringing herself back onto the main point of the conversation.
Emily just chuckled at her friend.

"You're not getting out of this! What's going on?" Hanna asked.

Emily just sighed "I don't know I just think something's wrong with me. I think... I'm losing interest in Ben."

"Why? I thought you said you saw a future with him?" Hanna said slightly surprised.

Emily just shrugged" I honestly think I was trying so hard to like him."

"But wait why we're you acting so weird around Mya then?" Hanna questioned out loud.

Emily looked down and didn't answer which gave Hanna all she needed to hear.

"Emily do you like Mya?"

"I-I don't know! I don't know what's wrong with me. I don't know if it's just this one-time thing but she kissed me before she even knew I had a boyfriend but I really wanted her too and I don't know what to do." Emily put her chin in her hand.

"How long have you felt like this Em?"

"Well since I first met Alison but I always hid it but I was attracted to guys now it's like I don't like them at all," Emily exclaimed embarrassed.

"Does anyone else know about this?"

"No, actually you're the first person...I don't know how the others would react so I figured you'd be the least judgemental. But please don't tell anyone."

"I won't say anything! But just know I support you and I'm here you okay? You're not alone." Hanna stood up and sat by Emily and embraced her.

Emily hugged back relieved about her finally telling someone.

When they pulled away Hanna faced her friend "so what are you going to do about Ben? And do you think you'll date Mya" Hanna asked?

"I want to see if it changes between us, I don't know maybe I'll like him again. I'm not sure, I just don't want to make decisions I'll regret you know.."

Hanna nodded sympathetically at her friend. She wanted to help but there wasn't much she could do it was completely up to Emily. The only thing Hanna could do is respect her wishes and support her.

"Who's that?" Emily said curiously gesturing to a guy that took someone's phone, changing the subject.

Hanna looked where Emily was looking and saw the annoying new kid "ugh that's Caleb, Aka sketchy. He's a huge pain in the ass that illegally fixes people's phones if you let them." Hanna rolled her eyes.

"New kid?" Emily asked

"Yup. Unfortunately, I have him in my class. I don't even know about today's schedule..."Hanna trained off in thought.
Hanna saw Caleb talking to Noel khan. Noel gave Caleb his phone and money. Caleb put the money in his pocket nodding and saying something Hanna couldn't understand.

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