Bumper cars and friends ship bumps

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"Wake up! We gotta be on the road by 7!" Toby's voice echoed through the large house.

Hanna huffed and turned over. She wanted to sleep. She didn't even care about the Pierre. Even though she did, aA she was just too tired to care at the moment.

Caleb must've thought the same thing because he did the same thing as his girlfriend, turned over and grumbled in annoyance.

They laid in peace for about five minutes till aria came in the room looking very tired. "Hey, guys get up. Get ready we're leaving in 30 minutes."

Hanna groaned before sitting up.

"Why are we leaving so early?" Hanna asked annoyed. Hanna was sure nobody but them wanted to wake up at 6:25am. And by them she meant Spencer and Toby.

Aria shrugged. "Ask Toby and Spencer."

Caleb sighed and sat up tiredly. "Alright, we'll be up and ready."

Aria yawned and walked out of the room. She barely was in a talking mood thanks to being up at 6 in the morning.

Hanna couldn't blame her. She barely wanted to be alive at 6 am. Hell, she couldn't even remember her name when waking up this early.

"When we go to Paris we're not waking up early." Caleb groaned. Hanna nodded in agreement.

After a tiring 30 minutes of getting ready they finally were on the road. For the first time, Hanna and Caleb sat next to each other. Hanna went to sleep and Caleb stayed awake.

Soon they were there and Hanna got woken up by Caleb.
Hanna stepped out and walked up the dock and looked in awe. It was even better than the pictures shown online.

"Okay so for the early hours I say us boys hang out and you girls hang out? Then when it gets around 1:30 we all hang out then since we're all dating around...5 maybe 6 we break off to our dates We'll text the group chat when we're ready to leave? And keep in mind guys we still have a flight to catch in the morning." Ezra proposed his plan.

Everyone agreed and soon broke off into their groups.

"Okay, what should we do?" Emily asked when the boys left. They all stood there by the entrance trying to decide what to do.

"I'm not sure. I think we should walk around to see," Aria suggested.

"I don't see why not," Hanna replied. "Okay let's walk straight and see how it goes," Maya proposed.

The girls began to walk and talk. "Anyone excited to be back home?" aria asked.

Spencer snorted. "No way. This is a paradise. Soon we have to be flooded with school work and liars."

Nobody caught the snarky comment spencer made yet.

"Literally. Mr. Prescott always lies about us having pop quizzes and how much homework we have. 75% of the papers in my backpack are from him." Hanna rolled her eyes.

Looking over she caught spencer rolling her eyes. She couldn't tell if she was rolling her eyes at what she said about the teacher or at her. Hanna just assumed it was what she said. Nobody likes Mr.Prescott

"Really? Then you haven't seen miss.lockwits she's literally a homework spitter." Maya said.

"Speaking about spitting. Mr.beckram spits every time he talks. It rains more than it does in spring." Aria said before shuddering about the math teacher.

"Suddenly I appreciate ms.Harwell." Hanna muttered making Emily chuckle.

Soon they arrived at the food court. The aroma of food was too inviting as they looked around.

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