Reconciles and surprises

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Caleb got out the cab with his heart pounding and his palms sweating. He was terrified and couldn't help but be a little intimidated at the huge mansion his mom lived in.

He would've looked poor or out of place if it wasn't for Hanna buying him clothes. His black button up shirt fitted him nicely along with the slightly rolled up sleeves that went to his mid Bicep.
Also wearing his signature jeans and his new converse he walked up to the closed gate.

"Please state your name and business." A voice sounded suddenly.

Caleb jumped at the sound of the voice and it came from the voice box that was on the gate.

"Caleb rivers. Here to see Claudia." Was all Caleb said. He didn't know who this guy was, so he wasn't very keen on telling him every detail.

"Come in mr.rivers." The voice said politely. Caleb was about to tell the man how he couldn't go in cause the gate wasn't open. But the sound of a loud click got his attention before the gate started to open.

Caleb took a deep breath before he walked in the gate to the front yard. He passed a huge fountain and marble sculptures.

He couldn't help but think of how rich and well off she was. Meanwhile he could barely afford a hot meal.

As he approached the front door he seen the door open. The woman that abandoned him stood there in all her glory. He felt so many emotions swarm all over as he took in her smile.

"Caleb. Oh my god you look so handsome. You're so big now." She said putting her hand over her mouth with her eyes watering up.

Caleb stood there awkwardly not knowing what to say or do.

"I can't believe you're 17 Caleb. It was like yesterday I was changing your diapers!" She exclaimed before reaching forward to hug him.

Caleb stiffly stood there hating the fact that a part of him was happy to see his mom cared and even more to have his mom hug him.

When she saw that he wasn't hugging her back she pulled away clearing her throat. "Sorry for overstepping boundaries. I'm just really happy to see you."

"It's fine." Caleb said shrugging it off. He was desperately telling his mind to not get emotional.

He was starting to wish he brought Hanna with him but he had a surprise for her, he couldn't be selfish and ruin it.

"Come in!" She said stepping inside. Caleb followed and saw a man walking to the door. He could tell it was a butler.

"If you need anything mr.rivers, I'm a call away." The butler said to him in a mind yet professional tone. Caleb recognized the voice. It was the same man that was talking to him outside.

Caleb nodded and gave him a polite smile as he followed her to the outside patio.

Once they were both sitting down she spoke up.

"Do you want anything? Water? Juice? Are you hungry?" She asked twiddling her thumbs.

Caleb just shook his head.

"It really means so much that you wanted to talk to me." She said to him.

"I uh. Bet it does."

Claudia sighed at his cold behavior before getting straight to the point. " so let me start from the beginning."


"Also take pictures when you go okay? I wanna see the light up Ferris wheel." Ashley said on the phone.

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