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Hanna woke up to see her tucked in to bed and Caleb is gone. She yawned sitting up. Looking around she noticed the pizza, the snacks, everything extra she brought into her room gone.

She got up and brushed her teeth and used the bathroom. When finished Hanna went downstairs looking for Caleb.

Not seeing him in the living room or kitchen she went to the basement and opened the door. Quietly walking down the stairs she peeked over to see him laying down asleep. She smiled before heading back up the stairs and quietly shutting the door.

Heading to her room she noticed all the food that was in her room last night was in was on the kitchen island.

Entering into her room she laid back down on her bed. Her mind immediately went to the kiss. It felt amazing. But she also didn't want to overthink it. What if he was just caught in the moment? He didn't even mention the kiss after it happened. Sure Hanna didn't either but she assumed that he was trying to forget it happened or something.

But she had the voice in the back of her head saying otherwise. But she just couldn't see a reason why he wouldn't say anything. Maybe he didn't want anything serious.

Hanna furrowed her brows now turning on her side. Yup, she's going with the last conclusion, he didn't want anything serious.

Then when Spencer said that Caleb likes her popped on her head.

She thought about that more. It's a possibility that he could like her, he did kiss her for crying out loud. But maybe he likes her physically since he doesn't really want any serious, that would explain the kiss.

She felt her heart flutter. Never in a million years would she have thought she'd like a guy like Caleb. Or even the fact a guy like him would even bother with someone like her.

He's going to be going on the trip, this could be their chance to get closer.

Possible scenarios filled her mind as she thought of things they could do together. But she stopped herself. She didn't want to feel hurt again. Especially from her last relationship with Sean. Hanna wanted a long-lasting loving relationship, not something that was only sexual. And she knew if she tried to pursue him that she'd be broken in the end

The usually slow weekend passed by quickly, thanks to Caleb being there.

Her mom didn't come back till Tuesday night. so Caleb and she hung out.
Even though she'd never admitted it. Hanna hated being alone for a really long time. Sure she the longest she spent completely by herself was a full week and a half when she was 13. It was cool for the first couple of days but after she just hated the feeling of not having anyone there.

Especially after that prank, Alison pulled on Hanna on April fools when she was 15 that's really when she feared being alone in a house.

She had found guys to "break in" the house and freak Hanna out and even though it was just a prank it stuck to Hanna.

However, it felt nice to show someone else her fun side. She never got the chance to see Sean's side or even felt comfortable showing hers. She was so hooked up on trying to prove herself that she's enough. Hooked over why he didn't like her. That she didn't realize that she wasn't comfortable with him. But she needed to slow down she didn't want to be hurt again. Everything seems so good when it's the start.

Wednesday morning Hanna got up for school. Hanna and her mom were in the kitchen drinking coffee.

"So I ran into Ted and he asked me to dinner tonight..." her mom trailed off with a smile.

Hanna smiled, her mom deserved happiness.

"So where are you guys going to go?" She smiled widely.

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