Chapter 13

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I barely knew what had happened. The wind rushed through my hair, air blowing into my nose and mouth, suffocating and making it almost impossible to breathe out. I had to shut my eyes so they wouldn't dry out from the wind. I awaited death and accepted my fate. I knew I wasn't gonna survive this fall. With my small frame, I was going to splatter all over the ground.

Much to my surprise, I did hit something, but it wasn't the cold ground beneath the clock tower. Someone's thin arms caught me and now I was smoothly gliding through the air. I dared to open my eyes to take a peek at the stranger, wondering who had just saved my life.

She was a woman with bright blue hair and eyes. She was quite pretty with her facial features, but looking down I saw she was wearing a really pale shade of blue armor, which was making my body cold as it pressed up against my skin. I looked at her with curious eyes, wondering how she was flying on this strange hover board.

She looked down at me with a small, but beautiful smile. "You're safe now." Was all she said before gliding low enough so that she could pass me off to Vanitas.

I watched as she flew over to that asshole kid who dropped me off the clock tower. As soon as she was close enough, I heard him laugh before he vanished into a puff of gray smoke. She seemed confused, but came back to Vanitas and I before jumping off the hover board and letting it float behind her. She nodded toward us and said, "Do you know who that was? Im glad I was there to save you before you died."

Vanitas let me down in my feet, but his arm hovered over my waist to make sure I wasn't going to fall. "I don't know." I answered, my gaze looking at the top of the clock tower. "He just kinda.. Picked me up and dropped me off of there. I don't know who he is."

The girl followed my gaze with a serious expression. "He's obviously dangerous. Maybe you shouldn't be here." She turned back to me, her eyes filled with gentleness. "Have you been outside of this world?" When I nodded, she continued. "Ever met a man named... Leon?"

My eyes lightened up as I got excited. I nodded happily and answered her. "I sure do! Is he okay? Did he send you? have you heard from him?"

The girl laughed at my childish reaction. "He did send me. I was making sure that you were indeed, Zara." Her expression changed instantly when she seemed to finally notice Vanitas was there. Her eyes weren't gentle anymore... They now filled with anger and hatred. "... And making sure that was Vanitas."

Vanitas awkwardly scratched the back of his head, looking down. I wondered why they were acting this way... Until I remembered: Vanitas killed that kid. Ventus right? There were three visitors... Ventus.. Terra...

"You must be Aqua." I said. "Aren't you?"

She nodded slowly without taking her furious eyes off of Vanitas. "Indeed I am..." She said. Vanitas shifted from foot to foot uncomfortably, but his eyes were still fierce and he refused to break the eye contact the two had.

"Let me explain..." I said. I told Aqua what had happened while she was gone and tried to explain to her that it wasn't Vanitas' fault that this Ventus kid died. Even during the explanation, Aqua still glared at him while Vanitas stared back.

When I had finished, Aqua barely moved. But even through her armor, I saw her shoulders relax as she finally tore her stare away from Vanitas. Her eyes turned gentle as she looked at me, and a small smile formed on her face. "Leon said you were reliable, so I'll believe you. But." She frowned again. "If he makes any kind of suspicious behavior, I won't hesitate to attack."

Vanitas sighed and rolled his eyes. He took a daring step forward toward her and smirked. "I won't cause much trouble." He said. "I just want your trust back." He crossed his arms and turned his back toward her, refusing to talk any longer.

Aqua lifted her eyebrows and watched him for a while. "I need to go back and check up with Leon" She slowly took her gaze off Vanitas again to look back at me. "Stay in Twilight Town, but get away from here. I don't know who that boy was so its best to steer clear."

I nodded. I really didn't know who he was. Did he want something to do with me? Why did he just throw me off the clock tower? I wanted to assume he worked for the Organization, or maybe Xehanort. Even if he was, he's not doing his job very well if he tried to kill me.

Aqua placed a helmet that matched her armor over her head before jumping onto her hover board and flying away. I watched her until she was out of sight before turning back to Vanitas, who seemed to be glaring at the sky.

"I wish we could just put what happened behind us..." I heard Vanitas mutter. He looked away from the sky and turned his back toward me. "Ventus was a good friend. I didn't want to kill him."

Ventus... I wondered what he looked like. According to Vanitas, they were best friends. Was Vanitas happier back then? I wondered if the accident had caused Vanitas to be so bitter and sour toward everyone. Apparently Vanitas and Ventus were best friends, they hung out a lot and were happy... Or so I heard. Was there a way to make Vanitas happy again? I wondered if I could find him another best friend, someone to make him happy.

I surprised Vanitas by linking my arm with his and smiling at him. "Let's take a nice walk and clear our minds shall we?"

Tangled Desires (KH/Vanitas Love Story) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now