Chapter 8

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I said his name as if I was mad at him. But in reality, I was surprised. Why was he in this cage? Is this just some stupid trap? If it was a trap it would be the most pointless trap considering they already captured me.

Axel stood up from the corner. He was in pretty bad shape. He had cuts and bruises all over the visible parts on his body. I saw a black eye and a large cut above his eyebrow. I winced, imagining how much pain he was probably in.

"Hey Zara." Axel said quietly. He seemed kind of upset...

"What happened to you?!" I asked in distress. He looked like a train wreck.

Axel scratched the back of his head and slowly sat himself back down. He rested his back against the wall of the cage and sighed. "I managed to run from the Organization for a while but... They managed to find me, beat me harshly, and throw me inside this cage. I can't make corridors of darkness to get out either inside of here, and the bars are blocked with a magic barrier. So, I'm stuck."

I frowned and looked toward the bars. I couldn't get hurt by the magic barrier, but even with my size I couldn't squeeze through the bars this time. They even took my sword so I couldn't try to saw the bars either.

I sighed and sat down beside Axel. "Looks like we're both stuck Eh?"

He slowly nodded his head before resting it against the cage wall. I saw his eyes close as his body relaxed. "I've tried to escape. Not only am I in no position to escape, there IS no escape. I've tried. We're trapped."

I looked down at the floor with disbelief. There was a moment of silence before I heard Axels heavy breathing, giving me the idea that he fell asleep. I wasn't going to wake him up, since he seemed to be needing that rest. Other thoughts flooded my mind as I sat there instead of trying to figure a way out of here.

What happened to Vanitas? Was he okay? What was that white stuff that tied him up? I barely knew what I had gotten myself into. What I did know, was that Leon would be pissed when I got back. Not like it was my fault I was captured.

I stood up and walked over to the bars. I grabbed ahold of the bars and checked to see if there was at least one loose one.


I groaned and slammed my head against the bars. "It's pointless!" I said. I heard Axel jerk awake and when I turned I saw him walking towards me.

"Chill man" he said sleepily.

"Sorry.." I said, turning away. "I didn't mean to wake you up. Go back to sleep."

"Nah. Im curious as to what's on your mind. Obviously you're worried about something. Why are you in here anyway?"

NOW he decides to ask that question. I sighed and turned so I was facing him,even though he was a lot taller than me. "They captured my friend, Vanitas. They had to capture me too because I was with him... They couldn't allow witnesses."

"Who Vanitas?" Axel asked with surprise. When I lifted my eyebrow and nodded to confirm, Axel smirked. "They've been trying to catch Vanitas for a while now. He has power over Darkness, which really none of the Organization can possess."

"How will they make Vanitas work for them though? It's not like he'll willingly stay."

"Mind control." Was his answer.

My stomach dropped. Mind control. Wouldn't that mean if he's told to he might... Kill me? Or Leon? I was scared. I had to get out and save him before something bad happened!

"We have to get out of here!" I said. "Before they control him!"

Axel grabbed my wrist before I went running off and trying to break the cage down. "Calm down. This cage is hanging down by a single chain. If you run around like this and try to break the cage opened the chain might break."

Tangled Desires (KH/Vanitas Love Story) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now