Chapter 7

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It was only about a day or two since I'd seen Axel. I didn't think much of him since he said that he would leave. Besides, Leon approached me today and made me forget about Axel completely.

"We're going to train you."

"Excuse me..? Train me for what?"

"To fight. You're off in your own a lot and with the Organization and the heartless about its time you learned how to defend yourself."

I was bewildered. I didn't know how to fight! I could barely even hold a sword let alone fight with one. I was a weak, powerless little girl. I was scared. Fighting was the last thing on my mind.

We were in front of Merlins house. Leon handed me a regular boring silver sword. I had no idea where they kept this thing, but it seemed old and fragile. I was afraid to hit something with it since it looked like it might break!

When I took it from his hand, the weight of the sword surprised me and I almost fell forward. I caught myself and stood up straight, keep a firm hold of the sword with both of my hands. Leon laughed at me and sighed. "You're going to need lots of training to be able to hold that sword."

I stuck my tongue out at him as he walked over inside the house and pulled out a dummy so I could hit it. When Leon came out with the dummy, Vanitas followed, curiosity filling his bright yellow eyes. Leon placed the dummy a few feet away from me and pointed to it.

"People fight differently. I want you to hit this how you want so I can see your fighting style."

Fighting style? I thought people were trained to fight a certain way? I shrugged it off and didn't hesitate much longer to run over to this dummy and start slicing it up with the sword. I made a few rips but it wasn't that bad, the sword was quite dull and needed sharpened. Im sure Leon did this on purpose. After I was done I took a few steps back and waited for his response.

Leon rubbed his chin as Vanitas let out an amused chuckle. I pouted at him, knowing he was making fun of me. "Obviously you're a little sloppy but this is your first time after all" He stated.

That was when the real training had begun. Leon taught me everything. It only took a few weeks of training for me to learn most of the things he had taught me. He said I was doing very well and he was surprised at how fast I learned. I was proud of myself. I learned how to wield a sword and learned how to fight. I learned how to do flips and how to trip people and how to kick and punch and everything! I was excited, and Leon was proud.

I wasn't able to beat Leon in a fight yet. I was disappointed in that, but I managed to master a lot of things in only a few weeks. I smiled as Leon placed his sword on his shoulder. "Splendid. We can stop there for today" he said. Leon nodded and smiled at me before retreating into Merlins house.

The sun was setting and I felt good. Leon had given me an actual sharp sword. It wasn't old and fragile like the other one. I placed it inside the sheath that was attached to my waist and stretch myself out. It was a long day, and I decided to go to the cliff and relax for a while. The last time I was there, that old bald guy had attacked Vanitas and I. I hadn't seen him though, so I didn't think much about it as I traveled over there.

When I got there, I sat down on the edge of the cliff and let my legs swing off the edge. I looked up at the sky and saw the huge moon shine down on me. It made me relaxed and comfortable. I smiled.

"Can I join you?"

I turned my head and saw Vanitas walking toward me. I nodded and patted the spot beside me, telling him that he could sit. Vanitas shot me a quick smile, but it quickly faded. It was rare to see him smile anyway.

Vanitas sat down beside me and looked at the moon as well. There was a silence for a few minutes before Vanitas broke it.

"You handle a sword very well." He said. He didn't look at me as he spoke, but I turned my head toward him. "Im surprised at how fast you learned. You're a natural."

I chuckled, a bit embarrassed. Vanitas wasn't the kind to be gentle and compliment people. But hey, I wasn't going to complain. "T-thanks." I said.

Vanitas sighed and turned toward me. We stared into each other's eyes for a while, but then I turned away, blushing. Vanitas smirked and brushed some hair behind my ear. "Your eyes twinkle when the moon shines down on them." He said. That got my attention and I looked at him with my wide, twinkling eyes. "It's true." Vanitas said. He snickered and stared at the moon again. "They're pretty."

I covered my cheeks with my hands and blushed a bit more. "You really think so..?" I asked. Was he flirting? I didn't have many guys flirt back home. It made me feel happy that someone thought my eyes were pretty.

"Yep" Vanitas nodded. "You're beautiful too."

I hid my face behind my hands and shook my head. He thought I was beautiful!

I felt strong hands grab my wrists and pull my hands away from my face. I turned to Vanitas as he held my wrists gently. He then put my hands together and held them within his own, and stared straight into my eyes. I couldn't help but lean forward a bit, liking the attention. Vanitas slowly leaned forward as well, and our lips were only inches away. I closed my eyes. I knew what was coming.

Our lips brushed together.

But that was it.

I jumped and was startled when I heard someone shout "There he is!" I felt Vanitas' hands torn away from mine. I opened my eyes right away, seeing one of the Organization members pulling Vanitas up to his feet and throwing him to the ground, away from the edge.

"Let him go!" I shouted, instantly standing to my feet. I was ready to pull my sword out but someone pulled my hands behind my back and tied them tightly together. I looked behind me and struggled against the strong force. I didn't know who it was, their face was hidden behind their hood.

Two other members had restrained Vanitas and had tied him up with something unknown to me. It glowed white and it seemed fragile, but it held Vanitas down firmly. The two other members also had their hoods up. They obviously didn't want us to know who they were.

"Let me go you bastards!" I heard Vanitas curse. They only laughed at him and picked him up by the white rope like things, only to throw him back down to the ground.

"Quiet you!" One of them snapped. "You're coming with us. So is your girlfriend, we can't have any witnesses."

"She's not my girlfriend!"

They only laughed again as they opened some dark portal. I felt the member behind me lift me up by the back of my shirt and walk me towards it. "She's not my girlfriend she has nothing to do with this! Let her go!"

They ignored Vanitas' cries as they threw me into the portal. All I saw was black. Darkness.


I stumbled out of the darkness, seeing a bright light blind my eyes. When I fell into complete light, I had to cover my face and let myself adjust to the sudden brightness.

I slowly opened my eyes and let myself look around. I was in the same cage as last time they captured me. However, the bars were closer together. Apparently the Organization learned their lesson from last time they tried to capture me, since I was able to slip right through those bars.

When my eyes shifted to the corner, I saw a figure slumped there. Looking at the clothing, it wasn't Vanitas. But looking closer, the figure was someone else. Someone I was familiar with.

When I started walking toward him, his head lifted up. He stared at me. I stared back.


Tangled Desires (KH/Vanitas Love Story) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now