Chapter 16

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"Im sorry Zara."

I couldn't do anything to stop him. I had no magic, no weapon, and if I moved his sword would plunge into my throat. I accepted my fate and waited for him to end me. At least I'll be with my parents right?

It was at that moment when I heard something twirling through the air. A black sword smacked Roxas' hand and made him drop his own sword. Roxas cried out in pain as he dropped it, and I instantly took that moment to roll backwards and out of the way. Roxas held his hand and winced in pain as a figure suddenly jumped out and stood in front of me.

It was Vanitas.

I sighed with relief as Vanitas peeked over his shoulder, but not turning around. "Zara are you okay?!" He asked. When I nodded and opened my mouth to speak, he interrupted. "Don't wander off without me again you idiot!" Vanitas grabbed his sword just as Roxas grabbed his, and at the same time, both of them pointed their swords at one another. Vanitas glared as they stood there, swords pointed at each other's throats.

"What the hell do you think you're doing?!" Vanitas demanded. "I knew there was something off about you."

Roxas frowned, but didn't move one inch. "Im sorry okay? Just-"

He stopped talking when a portal appeared beside him. Roxas jumped in surprise when two Organization members stepped out. One of them was female with pink fluffy hair, while the other one had very tan skin and white hair.

Roxas nervously stood up straight. "Xemnas sir! Im not done with-"

Xemnas, which was obviously the man with white hair, held up his hand and made Roxas close his mouth. "Im having Marluxia help you, Roxas. You're still learning."

The girl, who I assumed to be Marluxia, smirked and a pink scythe appeared in her hand. The Xemnas guy went back inside the portal as Marluxia stood beside Roxas.

"If you corporate, this will be easy."

I stiffened. Why did this girl sound like a guy...?

"Um excuse me." I coughed. "What's your gender?"

Marluxia glared at me and pointed his scythe at me. "Im. A. MAN." He shouted, his eyes flaring with anger. I laughed as he stomped his foot. "Don't make a fool out of me! My beauty and brains will be the end of you!"

I laughed some more and held my stomach as it began to hurt. "Okay okay." I said, fanning my face. "Okay im good, im good."

Vanitas smirked at my reaction. "I thought he was a girl too."


I screamed when Marluxia suddenly lunged at me. He kicked me and I was sent flying back, hitting the nearest wall. So next time, don't insult his gender.

With my back throbbing with pain, I stood up and had to roll out of the way as Marluxia swung his scythe at me in anger. As fast as I could, I ran to my sword and grabbed it before quickly whipping around and blocking an attack from Marluxia. He sneered and jumped back. "I will honestly say you're good for someone with no magic."

I couldn't reply. Vanitas jumped in front of me and jerked his head toward Roxas. "You handle Roxas. Marluxia is much too powerful for you."

I gave him a look, but agreed. Marluxia seemed over powered, and I've never seen him before anyway. Vanitas lunged for Marluxia, so while he was distracted, I ran to Roxas who was already waiting for me.

Our swords clashed together loudly as we fought. Roxas was strong, and I knew he had magic. I wouldn't be able to handle Roxas for very long unless I injured or killed him. I didn't want to hurt him. For some reason, I felt like Roxas didn't want to hurt us. I could see it in his eyes. They were afraid, innocent. I took a step backwards as Roxas swung his sword at me.

Tangled Desires (KH/Vanitas Love Story) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now