Chapter 15

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It took a few months for everyone to recover. There were people like Leon and Yuffie who were still injured and were told by Aerith to stay in bed. Once everyone could walk again, we want to have a small reception for those who have died... Merlin, Cid, Sora, and Tifa. All four of them were gone, and there was no way to bring them back. For the past few months, everyone has been really quiet or they don't do much like they used to. The town isn't as active with people and noise anymore. It's quite quiet.

Riku stayed with us, but he would wander off throughout town. I haven't seen much of him lately. He rarely ever slept in the house in the bed that we bought for him. He's been keeping an eye on Roxas though.

Roxas has been fitting in okay. Vanitas has been giving him the cold shoulder, but Aqua and Terra have been trying to talk to him more. Im assuming that they're trying to replace Ventus, but people are irreplaceable. Aqua and Terra can find another friend like Ventus, but they'll never be able to replace him and have everything go back to normal.... That was the sad part.

But what striked me odd, was Naminé. She's been mostly keeping to herself lately. I'd say hi to her and she would just give me a small nod. I've been watching her from afar, seeing if something was wrong. Im sure she's upset about everyone dying, but I wasn't quite sure. She's been watching Roxas a lot lately with a piercing stare. Even Roxas has noticed it. He's mentioned it to me before and I agreed. Was there something suspicious about Roxas? He lost his memory, he doesn't know who he is. Maybe there was something about him that only Naminé could see.

I was making some food for those who were hungry. Axel was helping me. He seemed a lot more happy and bright when his wounds were mostly healed. He cracked a lot of jokes and made me laugh. The only problem was, he had a bad habit of burning all the food.

"You're such an idiot." Vanitas muttered as he watched us.

Axel had just burned yet another piece of bread. I asked him to cut up the roll of bread, but while cutting his magic got in the way and he burned it. He said it was based on his emotions sometimes. He was nervous and didnt want to cut the bread wrong, which led to it being burnt instead.

Axel laughed nervously before giving Vanitas a mischievous smirk. All of the sudden a flying piece of burnt bread flew across the kitchen and hit Vanitas in the chest. Vanitas shot him a glare. "Now you have to clean that up."

Axel crossed his arms and lifted his head, making himself seem superior toward Vanitas just because he was taller. "I humbly gave you a piece of bread for you to fulfill your hungry stomach and you reject it, how fucking rude of you."

I started laughing as Vanitas stomped toward Axel. He grabbed the front of Axels shirt and they were now eye-to-eye, which made me laugh even harder since Vanitas was a lot shorter than Axel.

"Listen here you idiot..." Vanitas growled through clenched teeth.

Axel pushed him away and hid behind me. "Oh please have mercy!" Axel cried out sarcastically. I laughed even harder as Vanitas scoffed and crossed his arms.


"You know you won't hurt Zara." Axel smirked, patting my head. I looked up at him as Axel messed up my hair. "I mean she's so cute and pretty..."

I saw Vanitas stiffen as his eyes burned with anger. He took a threatening step forward. "What do you mean by that?" He demanded an answer. I don't think Vanitas realized that Axel was just playing around.

Axel pinched my cheeks together and began to talk in some baby voice. "Im just saying how cute and adorable wittle Zara is! She's sho coote I can't help myself!"

In an instant, Vanitas rushed over and shoved Axel to the ground. He sat on top of his chest and grabbed the front of Axel's shirt and shook him around a bit. "Listen here you pyro-"

Tangled Desires (KH/Vanitas Love Story) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now