Chapter 6

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The thing that had woken me up, was the muffled voices of people. I wasn't quite sure who they were, but once my hearing had cleared up I could tell who they were.

I opened my eyes and had to rub my eyes to clear my vision. When I lifted my left arm I winced when I felt pain shoot through my whole shoulder. I slowly put my arm down so I wouldn't have to feel that pain again, and looked to the two people arguing.

"Can you two just stop?" I asked a little annoyed.

Leon and Vanitas turned to me. I saw an expression of relief in Vanitas' eyes while Leon sighed with relief instead. "You're awake" Leon said.

"Yeah, thanks to you two." I said yawning. "Can't you guys do anything but argue?"

Leon shot Vanitas a glare and then turned to me, his expression turning gentle. "He's an outcast. He doesn't belong here. Don't you know what he did?! He's a traitor!"

"Leon that's enough!" I hissed. I stood up on my feet and gave the two boys a very displeased look. "Don't you know Vanitas' side to the story? Why don't you listen to him instead of bickering all the time. It's about time you-" I stopped my own sentence when I felt a sharp pain stab me in the stomach. I winced and held my belly, almost in tears. Vanitas ran to my side and made me sit down on the edge of the bed.

"Zara please be careful..." Vanitas said gently.

I pushed him away and looked up toward Leon. Leon frowned and turned away. "It's my fault you're hurt... But if you were willing to stand in front of Vanitas and get stabbed for him then... I'll listen."

My mouth turned into a small smile of approval. Vanitas didn't hesitate to explain his side of the story. Gently and calmly, but stern, Vanitas explained everything, making sure Leon was listening.

Leon nodded every once in a while, staring at the floor. I knew he was understanding, and that made me relieved.

"Do you understand now?" Vanitas asked. "Xehanort did this... I didn't mean to... He controlled me. He used me. Ventus was my friend, I didn't want to kill him."

Leon sighed and walked over to him. I saw Vanitas flinch when Leon held his hand out toward him. "I understand. And I want a truce. I'll trust you for now, because your eyes prove you're telling the truth. But if I find out you're lying...."

Vanitas shook his head. "Im not. I promise."

Leon smiled. "Then truce."

And they shook on it.


It didn't take long for Leon to explain the story to everyone else. Some believed Vanitas, but some others were still a little weary about it. Vanitas didn't mind though. He was just glad that he was part of the group again. He didn't have to steal anymore, he didn't have to run around hidden all day and night either. He was free to roam around.

It had been a few months since Vanitas rejoined the group. He did nothing to betray the group. He was nothing but loyal and honest after that. Leon even managed to get ahold of Aqua and Terra. They came back to Radiant Garden and finally accepted Vanitas. Everything was going well. My stomach healed up. It was still sore and I did feel pain once in a while, but Aerith healed me right up.

Everything seemed to be going perfect. Everything seemed okay.

I was happy. I was walking to the market with some munny Leon had given me to get some food. By now almost everyone knew and recognized me in town, and we all smiled and waved to each other. I got to the market and bought the list of food Leon told me to get. On the way back, it was getting slightly dark and everyone was retreating into their homes. I picked up my pace, trying to get home quicker. But something stopped me.

I saw a figure walking toward me. Their spiked hair made me see that I have never seen hair like that before. Were they lost? Or haven't I met everyone in town yet?

When the shadow was closer, I realized they were limping. Before I knew it they had collapsed onto the ground. I instantly ran toward them, not giving any hesitations. When I was close enough I put all the food down and kneeled down by their side.

Their hair was spiked... Very spiked. They had bright red hair spiked back. They were wearing light brown baggy pants with a fiery red shirt and a handkerchief around their neck. I lifted an eyebrow and shook them gently. When the man didn't flinch, I turned him over. I gasped and jumped when I saw the huge gash on his chest, blood trickling down onto the pavement he collapsed on.

I reached my hand out to check his pulse, but his hand suddenly grabbed my wrist. I jumped and tried to pull away, but his grip was too strong. I panted heavily as the man gripped my wrist tighter and sat up.

"What are you doing? Who are you?"

"M-my name is Zara." I stuttered. "I saw you collapse I was seeing if you were okay"

The man released his grip and I pulled away, stunned. He stood up and wiped the blood off his chest like it was nothing. "Well im sorry for the fright, Zara. My name is Axel, got it memorized?" He tapped his head. He seemed fine all the sudden.

"Well.. Axel.. Um come with me, your wound needs healed."

Axel looked down and scratched the back of his head nervously. "Well thanks Zara.. I won't turn down that offer."

I picked up the food and took him to Merlins house. When I opened the door and walked in, everyone greeted me. But when Axel walked in, their expressions turned cold as ice.

"Hey guys! This is Axel, I thought Aerith could help him... He's injured and I thought that-"

Leon glared at poor Axel. "Leave." He said coldy.

I stared in disbelief while Axel chuckled nervously. "If I had known you lived with these guys, I wouldn't have said yes to your offer."

"What offer?!" Cid demanded. I sighed and placed the basket of food on a nearby shelf.


I explained the best I could. I didn't know why they hated Axel. Hell I just wanted to help the poor guy. Why do they hate him so much?

Vanitas walked over to me and pulled me away from Axel. Without letting go of my arm, Vanitas whispered in my ear. "That's Axel, number VIII of the Organization. You know... The guys who kidnapped you..."

My eyes went wide with realization and Vanitas released his grip on my arm. I looked at Axel, studying him carefully. It must have been a whole set up then. Axel wasn't wearing one of those black cloaks. There were plenty of options that could have happened... It's a trap, he left the Organization, or, he betrayed them and was kicked out, which would explain the wound on his chest which was still oozing. Axel used the handkerchief to try and stop the bleeding.

"Look guys." Axel said, seeming a bit annoyed. "I left, okay? The Organization is a bad group. They're all terrible. When they saw me running they attacked me and well..." He chuckled, looking down at his chest. "They got me good. I don't ask to stay with you guys, I just kinda want something to heal this damn wound and then I'll leave."

I looked at Leon, who seemed ready to maul the member. "Leon let's just heal him then he can go." I said.

Leon scoffed. "I can't believe you feel sympathy for this idiot. Fine. Aerith if you please."

Aerith walked over to him, with Leon not too far from her side. She healed the wound before quickly retreating back to the safety of the group.

Yuffie, who was standing beside Cid on his computer, shook her fist at Axel. "Now leave!"

I never saw her so serious and angry before.

Axel nodded his head and crossed his arms. "Thanks." He turned to me and shot me a smile. "And thank you, Zara." He walked out of the house.

I watched him leave with curious eyes. I wondered if he would come back?

Little did I know that he would.

Tangled Desires (KH/Vanitas Love Story) {Finished}Where stories live. Discover now