"The physical appearance of the please makes no difference to me so, no."

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Hey there Sexy Giraffes.

I'm so sorry I haven't updated. I know it's been forever and I feel really bad, but I hope this chapter makes it up to you.

I think I made it pretty long...well I hope I did.

Please read the author's note at the end, but otherwise I hope you enjoy chapter 17.

Love you all,

<3 Chrissy.


*Niall's POV*

"So you can't tell anyone, okay?" I said softly, not meeting Lexi's gaze.

Needless to say her eyes were as wide as saucers and her mouth was hanging open, but she still managed to nod her head.

"But please can I just tell Alisa, please?" she begged.

Oh god, and here I was thinking that she would stay frozen for a while. "No, you can't tell her, please?"

"But she's my best friend and she deserves to know!" Lexi whined.

"No Lexi, please? You cannot tell anyone, not even Louis." I said firmly while crossing my arms just as Louis walked into the kitchen....great.

"What can't you tell me?"

Oh no...

*Alisa's POV*

~The Next Day~

"I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts, do doo do. There they are standing in a row, bom bom bom. Big ones, small ones, some as big as your head." I sang as I limped around the kitchen making breakfast for everyone.

"Looks like someone has watched The Lion King one too many times."

I heard a slow, low voice say, and I turned to come face-to-face with the one and only leprechaun, Niall.

"Nice bed head Nialler." I joked, limping over to him and messing up his hair with a grin on my face. He chuckled as I continued to mess with his hair, getting it to look how I wanted it to.

"Are you done now?" He smirked as I stood back and admired my handiwork.

I stepped back, wincing as I used my injured foot, and nodded my head. I then turned around and limped back over to the stove where I was busy finishing up the bacon for everyone.

But not even two minutes later, the egg-lifter I was using to flip the bacon was taken out of my hands, and I was gently nudged to the side.

"What was that for Ni?" I questioned, a frown making its way onto my face.

"You're hurt." He said simply.

"Yeah my foot is, but my hands still work fine." I argued, trying to take back the egg-lifter.

"No, go sit down, I'll finish this." Niall said firmly.


"No, the only butt I want to know about is your butt sitting down." And with that he proceeded to grab my waist, pick me up like I weighed nothing, and place me on the counter next to the stove.


What just happened?

After about 10 minutes, everyone else started walking through to the kitchen, probably smelling the food.

"Morning Lexi." I smiled.

"Morning Ali, Nialler." She smiled back, proceeding to plop down onto a chair.

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