Chapter 24: "Oh no, they've killed Harry!"

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Hi guys, LONG time no see?

I cannot be sorrier for how long I've made you wait for this next chapter. Life kept getting in the way and I literally had no time for anything at all, not for writing, not for friends or family, nothing.

But this year I've made a lot of changes and I am slowly but surely getting back into everything again.

As you can see I've changed the title of the story, but don't worry it's still the same!

I won't make any promises about when exactly I'll update again but I can say that it will be soon after this, possibly next week.

I suggest you go back and read the previous chapter again as a refresher before you read this one.

But I hope you like this.



"I can't believe that actually worked!" Lexi laughed, fist pumping.

"I know, I mean you'd think they'd see the moon boot on my leg and see what room I came out of and put 2 and 2 together, but I guess not." I smirked, laughing again as I looked at everyone's red faces from laughing.

But one face in particular caught my eye; his wide smile, dimples and green eyes that were shining with excitement.

Harry turned my way and caught me staring and I looked down quickly when he winked at me, grinning.

I could feel my cheeks start to heat up and I knew they were probably tinged pink, and not from make-up or laughing too much.

What is wrong with me?

I lifted my gaze away from my black converse I had just been studying and ended up meeting Zayn's kind, brown eyes. He smiled warmly at me and I happily returned it, using the crutches we'd snuck out the hospital, to hobble over to him.

Zayn carefully wrapped his arms around me and returning the hug as best as I could, while still leaning on the crutches; I tilted my head up to reach his ear. "Thank you Zayn." I whispered and he gave me a knowing smile, kissing my temple in a brotherly way before whispering back, "No problem Ali."

I smiled at him once more before turning to go to my brother when I saw Harry looking over in mine and Zayn's direction, and he looked confused and pissed off.

Someone clearly needs a happy meal, stat.

Ignoring him, I made my way towards Liam who looked happy, making my smile turn into a grin.

Once I was standing next to him I bumped my shoulder against his and grinned even wider when he looked down at me. "I'm glad to see you smiling Li." I started before moving over a little to stand in front of him. "I know there have been problems this year, mainly because of me. And I'm sorry you had to put off your tour for a couple more months, I feel really horrible about it, but you have truly been the best brother a girl could have. I just have one thing to ask you..." I trailed off and Liam pulled me into a warm, comforting hug before nodding.

"What do you need little sister?"

That is when I motioned for him to bend down so I could whisper in his ear.



"Are we there yet?" I asked for what seemed like the millionth time and all I got in response was laughter from Alisa and Liam.

Now you're probably thinking I should sort of know where we're going by the surroundings, but no. Alisa and Liam blindfolded not only me, but Harry, Louis, Alexis and Zayn. Lou, as in Teasdale, had said goodbye to us in the parking lot after helping Ali get undisguised, if that's even a word, and I couldn't help but envy her because wherever she was, she could probably see right now.

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