"What's wrong little sister?"

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Hey all you people out there; hope you’re enjoying this story so far. If you’d like me to check out your story/FanFic, please don’t post the link on my actual story, just send me a message or put it on my message board and I’ll gladly take a look.

I love reading other people’s works.

I hope you love this chapter because I stayed up writing it just for you, even though I’ve got work the next morning…very early…let me just add.

So I love you all and without anymore rambling from moi,

Chapter 8

<3 Chrissy.


~Louis’ POV~

I walked quietly towards Alisa’s room; I could hear her shouting at Harry, her voice hoarse and raw with emotion. I was about to open the door to see if everything was okay when she stopped. It was quite for about 5 minutes then Harry spoke up.

God he sounded upset!

I’ve never heard him sound that bad…Even when he was upset after the hate he got after the Red and Black performance, it was nowhere near this bad. He looked horrid too, like all the life and joy was drained from him. It’s awful seeing him like that…

It went quiet after he spoke and I waited… Then finally Alisa spoke again, saying she forgave him. I decided to leave and give them some privacy, even though they didn’t know I was there, and went to my room instead… Well the guest room.

I had just lain down on the bed when there was a soft knock on the door. “Yeah, come in.” I called out.

Just then Lexi walked into the room and closed the door. Smiling beautifully, she walked over to stand at the edge of the bed. “It’s me.” She laughed, holding her hands out at her sides as if presenting herself.

I reached forward and took hold of her hand, pulling her onto the bed next to me. I was just settling against the pillows when my breath hitched in my throat.

She laid her head on my chest and wrapped her arms around my waist, nuzzling her face into the crook of my neck. I put my arms around her slowly, giving her time to protest if she wanted to, and then rested my head on top of hers.

Then out of nowhere she started giggling. I shook my head, focusing my eyes instead of daydreaming like I had been, and raised my eyebrow.

“And what is it that you find so funny huh?” I questioned.

“You were just staring into space Lou, grinning like an idiot, at nothing.” She laughed quietly and I couldn’t help but smile.

She’s just so damn gorgeous!

“Well, if you knew what I was thinking about then you’d know, I have a reason to be smiling like an idiot.” I smirked and she blushed a little.

“What were you thinking about?” she whispered to me, not meeting my eyes.

I tilted her chin up and looked deep into her eyes. “I was just thinking how stunning you are, and that just you putting your head on my chest makes my breath catch.” I said simply, and watched as the blush on her cheeks turned a deeper shade of red.

“Liar.” She whispered to me, looking away.

“Oh really?” I raised my eyebrow and leaned forward, closing the distance between us and brushing my lips gently against hers.

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