"It's all because of his precious hair, I swear!"

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*Turns around in swivel chair* well hello there, we meet again…


Firstly…4 858reads! Holy cow you guys are amazeballs!


Lol, I suck at entrances. Anyways, I’m sorry for the wait, I mean seriously 23 days, who does that?! Well apparently I do…I’m such a bad person, no cookie for me*sniffles*


So enough with my awkwardness, I hope you all enjoy this chapter and if you like flashback moments then you’ll love this chapter…hopefully. Oh and I almost forgot, this chapter’s dedication goes to @NiamRules123 for the AMAZAYN comment;) not that the other’s weren’t great, but still, thank you.


So no more talking…er typing? From me, read on and I hope you enjoy it!

Love you all my sexy giraffes,

<3 Chrissy.


~Lexi’s POV~

“My masterpiece is now complete!” I shouted, beaming at Alisa.

“Lexi, as much as I love you, you’re shouting is a bit much. I am sitting right in front of you, you know.” She sighed, exasperated.

I had that effect on people sometimes.

“Okay, okay, I’m sorry. But I got excited, you look gorgeous. Not that you don’t usually, but now it’s just-” I babbled, trying to form the right sentence, but I couldn’t seem to form it. “Here, just take a look, it will speak for itself.” I turned her chair to face the mirror, ignoring her protests, and smirked when I saw her reaction.

Her eyes widened, her mouth forming a small ‘o’ as she took in the sight of her hair and makeup for tonight.

I’d put her hair up into a messy up-do, and left a few pieces hang free to frame her face, but otherwise her hair was back so you could get the full view of her face. Her skin was already clear so I only brushed on a light layer of foundation, deciding to go with the natural look; I put on a smudge of grey-black eye shadow to make her blue-grey eyes stand out. I added some mascara, a little bit of eyeliner on her lower lid, and a neutral, pale lip gloss on her lips, which completed the look.

She turned from the mirror and looked up at me, grinning from ear-to-ear.

“So, I’m guessing you like it?” I said, raising my eyebrow playfully and trying not to smirk.

“Like it? Like it? Alexis, you genius! I absolutely love it!” She shouted, tackling me into a giant bear hug, and squashing almost all the air out from my lungs, making it harder to breathe.

Wasn’t I usually the one giving the ‘can’t-breathe-let-me-go-now’ hugs?

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