"Right, not time for jokes..."

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You hate me, don’t you?

I would hate me too if I were you guys, but I have to live with myself so I can’t hate myself…if that made any sense at all. Which I’m pretty sure it didn’t but anyways…

Here’s a new chapter for you guys, oh and I’m on holidays now so it means more uploads... Maybe…I don’t know yet… I have to stop being lazy first…

Love you all

<3 Chrissy.


~Louis’ POV~

No, oh no.

This can’t be happening…

I’m dreaming, or having a nightmare more like it…

No, this is not real…

But it is, you know it is…

A little voice in my head whispered and I knew it was right. As much as I wish I was imagining all the doctors and nurses rushing into Alisa’s room, I knew it was really happening and I now I would have to go and tell the boys and Lexi.

How am I going to tell them? Oh god, and what about Harry and Liam…?

At least we’re at a hospital…?

Right, not time for jokes…

As I turned around away from the closing door of Alisa’s room, I saw Harry walking towards me with something in his hand.

Oh god, how am I going to do this…?

~Harry’s POV~

Not big enough…

Too small…

Ewww, too pink…

Not fluffy enough…

Creepy, beady eyes…

I had been at this for an hour and I still hadn’t picked anything! Why can’t I just find what I want?!

All I want is white, fluffy (but not too fluffy) teddy bear, with normal not creepy looking eyes that is big, but not gigantic... Is that too much to ask?

I was just about to give up my search when I turned around and bumped into something. I was just about to apologize for knocking it over when there, behind the stand of magazines I had just knocked over, was the perfect teddy bear…

~Lexi’s POV~

 Louis hadn’t been gone too long before the door opened again and he walked in with Harry trailing behind him, but something was wrong…

I could tell something was bothering Louis because he kept fidgeting and looking from me to Harry to Liam to Zayn and Niall, and back again, over and over before I stood up and walked over to him.

“Babe, what’s wrong? Um I mean beside the obvious, I know there’s something eating at you. Tell us.” I said softly while wrapping my arms around his waist.

He nodded and placed a quick, soft kiss on my forehead before motioning for me to sit down. I did what he wanted and watched as he carefully took in me sitting on the left of Liam with Harry on his right, Niall on the floor by Harry and Liam’s feet and Zayn sitting on a chair three seats down near the corner.

“Um, I don’t know where to start. I guess it’ll be easier if I said it straight out though, yeah?” He cleared his throat and continued, “Well um, when I left the room to go find a doctor to speak to, a whole lot of nurses and doctor’s came rushing past me and bumping into me and they all looked really worried. So I stopped one of the nurses and asked her what was wrong and she told me it was a Code Blue. I felt really sad for whoever was the family of that person but then-”

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