"I somehow don't think Liam will be okay with this mess."

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Here I am...

Sitting all on my lonesome and writing this on my phone because my pc still isn't working *tear*

I also have a boat load of work to do, even though school just started again for me. So far my last year of school is busy.




So I guess you could say I'm not a happy penguin right now *sigh*

But enough with my own tragic/boring/pathetic life. I am a little happy because I finally don't have writer's block anymore so I can write another chapter for you sexy giraffes :D


Oh, before I start the chapter, I have a question to ask you all. And it's actually a very good question, if I do say so myself... And I do.

Anyways the question is...

*drum roll*

I forgot...

But I'm sure I'll remember by the time I'm finished writing this chapter so, wish me luck!

And enjoy this chappie.

Love you all,

<3 Chrissy



"So now what?" Louis said while quirking an eyebrow.

"Now, we bake." I replied in a french accent, and Louis just shook his head while smiling at me.

This is probably not going to end well, but I'm pretty sure it's going to be fun.


~Liam's POV~

I gently lifted Alisa's head off of my chest so I wouldn't wake her, and placed it carefully onto a pillow.

I then climbed off her bed and made my way to the door.

Closing the door quietly behind me, I made my way to the kitchen because the whole reason I got up was because I was hungry, so I wanted to make myself a snack.

Gah, listen to me, I sound like Nialler.

But speaking...or rather thinking about Nialler, maybe I should make him a sandwich too, seeing as he's hungry most of the time.

Making up my mind to make something for Niall too, I entered the kitchen only to see...



And one big mess.


~Louis’ POV~

“I somehow don’t think Liam will be okay with this mess.” I said before ruffling my hair to try and get some of the flour out.

“Me neither, but we can clean it all up before-” Lexi started to say before stopping abruptly and starring wide-eyed at the doorway to the kitchen, “Our bad?” she suddenly said, although it sounded more like a question.

“Lexi, I love you like a sister and everything, but really? Did you have to have a food fight?” Liam sighed.

“Well it was more of a baking fight,” she started but Liam gave her a ‘look’, “But never mind, sorry Li we’ll clean it all up.” Lexi continued, shooting Liam a small smile.

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