"Too late."

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Greetings Directioners (if any Directionators are reading this then…GET OUT OF MY KITCHEN!)

Kidding, everyone is more than welcome to read:D

Now that, that’s sorted what did you all think of the last chappie? Just so you know I have been trying to make it interesting for you to read but my mind has been elsewhere. I’m sorry!

Also I have been working on a few other stories, one of them being, Friends, Secrets And...Love?, I’d love it if you went and checked it out for meh :P

Anyways, this is the chappie where they go out partying, WHOOP WHOOP! And there are a few ‘tricks’ I have up my sleeves…Cause I’m a magician, lol I’m not but I wish I was because magic is awesome…

Sorry I was rambling again. So because I do not wish to bore you to death I shall stop now.

Go forth and read*clears throat* I mean, go and read it…please.


~Alisa’s POV~

I couldn’t help but feel strange; he didn’t…No he couldn’t feel that way…could he? I mean we’re best friends, surely he would have said something by now, right?

I ignored the feeling I was getting, instead turning and speaking to Louis, who was glaring at me for some reason. “Lou, if you keep glaring so hard at me, your face may stay that way…” I joked with him and saw him pout, “Sorry love, but you know stripes are my thing!” he whined at me and I looked down remembering my stripy skirt.

“I’m sorry, I actually completely forgot. I can buy something quick and take if off and change if you want?” I was being dead serious, but Louis just chuckled.

“No, no it’s fine Ali. It looks good on you anyway.” He chuckled again and winked at me, making me go red… But speaking of going red, why was Harry suddenly looking so flushed and angry? Did I do something wrong?

Oh great, there comes that feeling again…Why can’t it just go away?! I know Harry doesn’t think of me like that. And I don’t think of him like that either… Why can’t he just stop being so damn secretive and tell m-.

Dammit! I’m doing it…again.

I looked down to see Harry’s hands wrapped around my wrists, and vicious, red, scratch marks on the skin underneath my arms near my elbows. I’d done it again, and I hadn’t even realized.

They’ll totally believe me if I say, I’m fine, now…not.

We were parked outside the club and everyone had turned around and was staring at me with worried looks on their faces… This is the last thing I need, them paying such close attention to me again. I shook my head and could slowly hear everything around me again.

I completely zone out when that happens and my senses come back slowly, like being underwater for too long and finally surfacing again. This explains why they were all staring.

“Alisa, Ali are you okay? Talk to me baby sis.” Liam repeated over and over.

“Ali, dude? Answer me please…” I’m pretty sure that was Lexi.

“Ali? Ali I know you can hear me now. Talk to me, talk to us.”  And that was Harry…I’d know his voice anywhere.

I shook my head again and put a smile on my face, “Guys I’m fine. I just got lost in my thoughts, I’m okay…honest. It was nothing.” I nodded my head earnestly and slowly they smiled back and started getting out the car. But I could tell they didn’t really believe me…great.

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