✿Chapter 2.

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Chapter 2: What's happening

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Chapter 2: What's happening

You pulled the boy into his room and lock the door. You sat down and laid your back against the wall. You pulled out your phone and tried to dial for 1-1-2 again but it went straight to voicemail. Then you felt something drip onto your hand. It was blood. You grabbed your nose as all of a sudden blood started to run down your nose. Not a healthy amount. It was fast. And thick. Catching all the blood in your hand you got up and ran to the boys bathroom and leaned over the sink. The blood kept coming out and rushing out. When it eventually stopped You cleaned your face with water as well as your hands and walked back out. And the boy was standing infront on his window looking at the world.

You walked over to him and looked out. Their where fires everywhere. Everything looked tore apart and abandoned. Then the boys nose started to bleed very fast like yours. He looked at you and held his nose. Then ran to the bathroom. You could here the water running. You walked into the room. The blood was still going. "I don't understand how someone's nose can bleed that much" you said to yourself. It eventually stopped. He wiped his mouth off with water as well as his hands. "It happened to me as well" you said. He looked at you emotionless. And walked out and sat on his bed.

Y'all where both now covered in blood. You studied him. He has long ,raggy ,black hair. And was wearing a shirt, jacket, and green sweat pants. You looked at your phone as it buzzed. 'Amber Alert' it said. You read as it said. "Nose bleeds, black outs, or any sudden bad behavior. if you have these symptoms you'll most likely turn into a monster. Kill yourself while you can. But if you do not have the symptoms stay inside and do not go outside quarantine yourself. May God be with you all.". You looked up at the boy who was reading his phone. You scoffed. "Monster, no such thing. Most monster thing I've saw was my dad" you groaned. He looked back at you. You set your phone down and ran your hands through your hair. "Why is this happening" you groaned. Then looked back at the boy. "What's your name" you asked sitting against the bed he was sitting on. "Hyun su" he said not looking at you. "I'm l/n y/n " you said holding out your hand to shake his. He looked at it then looked away. You saw his arm. It had scars on it. Big ones. He pulled down his sleeve because you saw it. You huffed. "Look" . He looked at you. You lifted your shirt sleeve to reveal scars. "I'm sorry" he said looking away. "It's ok. I like to think of them as survivor scars" you said running your fingers over them. "How old are you" you asked putting your sleeve down. "19" . You smiled. "So am I" . He looked at you.

Then his stomach growled. You looked around his appointment. "Do you have food?" You asked. He shook his head no. "The ramen From earlier was mine" . You nodded."guess it's no use to us now huh?" You said. The boy didn't reply. "I can go to my apartment and get my food I just bought" . He looked up .You huffed thn grabbed your sword and stood up. "Don't die" he said immediately. You smiled. "I'll try not to but living isn't really my strong suit" you said walking to his door and opening it. You looked out and both ways. Nothing was their. You ran to your apartment and opened the door.

You looked around and grabbed an empty box and through all the food you had into it. And ran back out and to his apartment again. You opened his door but as soon as you did their was a slam right beside you. You turned around and a monster was walking into the apartment. You put your hand over your mouth and quietly slouched against a wall. Hyun su grabbed a knife and hid behind a pillar. " I..... Cantttt....Seeeeee" the monster said. You looked at hyung su and put one finger over your lip. He nodded. The monster had half his face cut off. From the tip of his nose and up was missing as well as one of his ears. The monster walked further into the room and Hyun su slowly creeped over toward the monster. You shook your head no. So he stopped . The monster slowly walked out of the apartment.

You got up and slammed the door shut and locked it. And exhaled deeply. "What where you thinking are you stupid" you said to Hyun su. The boy looked down to the floor. "Sorry, I didn't mean it like that. You could have died that's all" you said. He smiled a little. You don't know why but you didn't ask. You sat there for a second trying to process what has happened. "Holy shit Hyun su. Monsters are real" you said looking up and taking a deep breath.

A few hours later

Hyun su was sitting against the wall on his phone. You had your eyes closed but you weren't asleep. "Should I kill myself now?" At least then I'll die human" Hyun su said. You felt the same way sometimes. You felt as if you where the cause to everyones problems. Only now you where turning into a monster. You opened your eyes and looked at him. He was walking to the window. And opened it. You got up and ran over it him grabbing his arm. "No" you said calmly. knowing the feeling to look down from a long drop. He looked at you. Then y'all heard a voice from outside the window.

"Dad, don't go. It's too Dangerous" the voice said. Hyung su looked down and saw a man climbing out his window with a rope attached to his waist.

"Don't cry Su-Yeong " the dad said. "Take care of Yeong-su while I'm away. Alright?" .

"Dad" the cry got louder. "Don't cry Su- Yeong. Monsters might come if they hear us" the dad said trying to be quiet. But you looked at the corner on your eye and saw a big monster. It was just one big eye with a long tail. It was coming towards the father. "Get out of there" hyung su said. But in a quiet voice.

"Get out of there" y'all both yelled loud at the same time. But it was to late. The monster it the dad making him fall to his death. "Dad!" The kids yelled. You closed your eyes when the body his the ground. Hyun su pulled you inside the window and shut it. You heard kids yelling "help, please go away monster" . "Go away, help us" the kids were yelling. You looked at Hyun su. "We have to save them" you said. He looked at you. "Help us!" The kids cried again. "Please help!" The voices go loud. Hyun su opened the window grabbed his TV and through it down to the monster. It hit it's body.

The monster got out of the kids window and looked up at you and Hyun su. And darted towards y'all. Y'all backed away and grabbed your weapons. The monster flew through the window and Hyun su stabbed it in the eye. The monster wrapped itself around Hyun su choking him. Hyun Su's face was turning red.

You grabbed your sword and started stabbed the monster with it. The screeching from the monster continued. "Let go of him!" You yelled. All it did was squeeze Hyun su tighter. His veins where popped out and his face was starting to turn purple. But then Hyun su fell to the floor. You looked at the monster as it's head fell off. And turned into grey dust. You ran over to the window and looked out. Hyun su ran beside you. Their was a man sitting on his window ledge with a gun. All though it was made out of a crutch. He set the gun down and pulled out some beer and took a swig. Hyun su tried to say something but the man shushed him. Hyun su nodded. Than the man pulled out a sign. "They might come if they hear anything" the sign said.

"Those things don't die". He man pointed at the ground. You and Hyun su looked. The body of the monster was attached to a dead human body. It got up and started walking. "Dad!" You heard the kids scream. You looked back at the man who was holding a sign. "Do you want to save the kids?" . Hyun su looked at you. You nodded. And so did he.

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