✿ Chapter 1.

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Y/n = Your/NameL/n = last/name

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Y/n = Your/Name
L/n = last/name

With no choice but to show himself to the government , he sacrifices himself. As Hyun Su walks out of the building and the cold snow with nothing but a ripped shirt and pants and blood all over him their are screams of "Get down" or "Don't move or we will shoot you". But hyun su kept walking. Then gunshots were fired hitting him all over. Hundreds of men shooting from all directions. But hyun su didn't die. He stood their in the light with the cold now turning him into a white powdered monster.

Chapter 1. BEFORE THE END.

August 2020

Y/n I just moved into a new apartment. Her mother had passed but her dad was an alcoholic so as soon as she turned 19 she moved out. She was treated poorly and had to get away. At this point she had already been living in the building for a good 2 weeks now. She had a job at the bookstore down the street from the apartment that she was now staying at.

As you where walking back to your apartment from shopping at the downstairs Mini market you see the mail man standing infront of your neighbors door. He looked at you. "Oh, Hello Mrs. L/n " he waved. You bowed. "Hello " . He smiled. "I hope that your day is going well" . "It is, just picking up some food" you replied shaking your bag of groceries. He nodded. "Well, I'll see you around then" you said. "Ok, goodbye" he bowed. When you where about to walk into your apartment a guy that looked about your age walked up to the mail man. "Excuse me" he said softly. The mail man moved and the kid opened the door. By the looks of it you though he probably was about 19 and seemed to be the quiet type.

You saw him around before but never talked to him. But you didn't want to snoop so you just walked into your room and unpacked your food. After doing so you walked over to your bed and sat down running your hands through your hair. You thought you'd take a nap before work so you hoped laid down and fell asleep.

You woke up a few hours later and noticed it was night. You pulled out your phone and looked at it. "Shit!" You said seeing you only had 30 minutes until you had to be at work. So you quickly got up to get ready. You through on an oversized black shirt with black ripped jeans. White high top converse. And a dark green cap. Then you grabbed your keys and walked out of your apartment. When you did there was a crunch under your feet. You looked down and saw ramen packets all over the floor. Then your neighbor opened his door. He looked out at you. He slowly walked out concerned and walked closer to where it lead. "What happened" you asked. He didn't answer. Then all of a sudden around the corner something was through across the floor. You squinted your eyes, looked closer and saw the head of a cat. "Holy shit" you said to yourself holding your hand over your mouth. The boy looked at you and ran back into his apartment. And you ran into yours.

You locked the door and looked out the peak whole. "What was that" you whispered to yourself. Then you saw a woman walk in front of your door. She looked a bit sick. "Excuse me" she said ringing the bell. You walked to your kitchen and grabbed a knife and looked out the peak whole again. "Help, I'm scared" the woman said. Crying. "What happened" you said before gulping. "I came home and the door was open. Please help" she said seemingly happy that someone responded to her crys. "Please the floor was covered in blood" her voice said shaking. "Calm down. Go call the police" you said not trusting her.

She looked really sick but not the type of sick to trust. She looked like the was on some type of drug. "No" the woman yelled banging on your door. "Go away" you yelled back. She punched and kicked and slammed herself into your door making dents into it. "How the hell?" You said backing up. The door was metal so you had no idea how she did that kind of damage to it. The woman stopped and headed over to your neighbors door. You couldn't see that far to your right so you went into your closet and grabbed your samurai sword. You had learned to use it before your mom passed.

You slowly opened the door enough to see the girl. She kept begging for help. "Show me your arms" a voice said from your neighbors door intercom. "What do you say" the woman looked mad. "Your arms, show me your arms" your neighbor said back. "I told you to open the door!!" The woman yelled banging on the door over and over. Then blood started bleeding from her nose. Then y'all heard a loud ground shaking bass guitar sound. The woman looked up at the ceiling and smiled. And walked down the hallway and up the stairs. You opened your door all the way and walked over to your neighbors house. And all of a sudden he opened the door and came out with a broken broom ready to fight what ever was in his way. "Woah" you yelled stepping back. "Oh, I'm sorry" he bowed.

Shortly after his eyes fluttered as he passed out landing in the blood. It splattered on your shoes. You pulled out your phone and tried to dial the police but their was no service. "What the hell is happening" you whispered. You looked around to see if anyone was there to help. But no one was. You ran over to the elevator and tried to press it's buttons to go get help downstairs but it wouldn't work.

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