Extra Chapter

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The events in this chapter happened a few days later after they were initiated. This is just a part of their daily life.


We have no classes for today because all our teachers are currently away on a trip for a day.

"Goooood morning everyone! We have no classes today so, let's have some fun! Come on you guys, let's go to the city!" Ruby is excited because it's their chance to relax and chill while their teachers are currently away.

Blake groaned. "Please be quiet. I still want to sleep." She covered her ears with her pillow.

Yang has risen from the bed. She rubbed her eyes and checked the time. "Hey uh Ruby? I don't think now's a good time. How about-"

"Ruby? Can you please be quiet!? I'm trying to sleep here. And it's still 6:00 a.m. in the morning you know? Go back to sleep." Yang was interjected by Weiss while pulling her blanket, covering herself with it.

"Oh come on you sleepyhead! It's not healthy to oversleep! Cooommee oonn! Geeeet uuuup!" Ruby grabbed her blanket but Weiss was holding on to it.

"Okay! Okay! Geez!" Weiss rose up from her bed and stretched her arms while yawning.

They heard a voice outside their door.

Ruby heard it too so, she went quiet and and listened to the voice outside their room.

"Okay! I mean, it's been a while since our last duel right?" It was Lupin's voice.

I chuckled. "I won't hold back this time. Let's do it near our place as usual. There's a clear field there after all. There will be no serious damages done if we use everything we've got. So how about it?"

"Sure thing! The loser gets to pay food for the next three days. Deal?" Says Lupin.

"Deal!" I said.

Ruby gasped and told her team about what she heard. The rest were suddenly awake.

"Are you serious!? They're about to have a duel!? Oh I can't miss this exciting show!" Says Yang.

As they turn to face Blake, she's already finished changing to her usual outfit.

They all changed to their usual outfits too. And as they opened their door, Jaune also opened their door at the same time with his team getting ready to leave.

"Oh, good morning everyone." Says Jaune.

"Did you guys hear that too?" Ruby asked them.

"Of course! I wanted to know which one of them is stronger after all." Says Nora.

"Let's just go!" Says Weiss as she went outside the room. The rest followed her and tailed the two unsuspecting huntsmen.

* * *

The gang tailed them until they reached the cafeteria.

"We can't fight on an empty stomach so, let's grab a bite first. I'm hungry." Lupin was the first in line since most students wake up around 7:00 or 8:00 so, the cafeteria is empty except for us and the staffs.

The gang entered the cafeteria which caught our attention. They were together which is very odd.

"Oh, good morning guys. Why are you up this early?" I asked them.

"Oh! It's beca-" Nora was about to tell Lupin and Theo about the reason of their gathering which caused others to tense up until Ruby covered her mouth.

The rest heaved a sigh of relief afterwards.

"It's because we're about to go shopping!" Ruby chuckled.

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