Episode 6: Blake's Identity

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We woke up early and prepared ourselves for our class. After reaching our classroom, Professor Glynda told us that we will be going in a place called the Forest of Forever Fall.

"Whoa, this place is beautiful." Says Lupin.

"I never knew this kind of place existed." I said.

The rest were also in awe.

"Yes students, the forest of Forever Fall is indeed beautiful. But, we are not here to sightsee. Professor Peach has asked all of you to collect samples from the trees deep inside this forest. And I'm here to make sure that none of you die while doing so."

She stopped walking and turn to face us.

"Each of you is to gather one jar worth of red sap. However, this forest is full of the creatures of grimm so be sure to stay by your teamates. We will rendezvous back here at 4:00 o clock. Have fun!" She finished and went on ahead.

The rest of us dispersed. Lupin and I went to the other side while Pyrrah and the rest did the same except for Jaune.

He's with Cardin without us knowing since we were talking about the place and our task.

After a while, we stopped and started collecting the red saps.

"Hey Theo, this sap is kind of sweet." After Lupin filled his jar with red sap, he used his finger to lick some of the saps in the tree.

I was still filling my jar with red sap. "Hang on, I'll give it a taste." After I filled mine, I also used my finger to taste the sap.

"You're right. It's sweeter than a normal candy." I said.

We placed our jar in our bags. And then, we were chilling until the rest are finished.

But then, we heard a roar of an Ursa.

"What was that?" I said.

"Did you guys hear that?" Says Ruby.

After a a couple of seconds, we saw a part of Cardin's group running away from the source of the sound.

"Ursa! Ursa!" His friend said.

"What! Where?" Says Yang while grabbing the man who was shouting.

"Back there! It's got Cardin!"

"And you guys left him!?" Says Lupin.

Pyrrah dropped her jar. "Jaune!"

"Yang! You and Blake, get professor Goodwitch!" Says Ruby.

"You two, go with them! There could be more." Pyrrah told her teamates.

"Let's go!" I said.

They nodded.

We went over to Jaune and Cardin's location. And then, we saw Cardin being toyed with by an Ursa.

"Oh no!" Says Pyrrah.

"He might be a jerk but he's still a huntsman." Says Lupin.

The Ursa major attempted to attack Cardin but Jaune blocked it with his shield just in time.

Weiss and I was about to help him until Pyrrah held us back. "Wait."

Jaune was fighting recklessly. He doesn't know how to fight properly which made me worried.

But I still held back. It was his chance to shine after all.

After a few seconds of fighting, Jaune and the Ursa major attacked simultaneously.

It was clear that he was about to lose so, I attempted to use my semblance.

But for some reason, Pyrrah extended her arm towards him as if to grab something so, I stopped.

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