Episode 22: Civil War 2

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We ended our meeting to set things in motion. I gathered a small punitive force that consists of Zealots, Dark Templars, a pair of Reavers and High Templars.

Lupin was right beside me as I stood before them. I took a deep breath as I close my eyes.

These guys will probably die. And they will die at the very hands of their own brethren.

And I'm about to lead them to their deaths. The very thought of it makes me sick since this mission is a suicidal one. And against their own brothers so to speak.

It's not something you get used to easily. I guess it's a little too late to complain about that now.

This civil war is just a waste of time. With the way things are going, Aiur is going to be annihilated at this rate.

I informed my squadron about the mission we're having and the process to get there. And then, we started the mission.

* * *

- Enemy Camp on the left -

Scouts were patrolling the area, searching for enemies that might come too close.

"I wonder what the Conclave thinks about all this?"

A Zealot was patrolling the area together with another comrade.

"Is this the time to be fighting amongst ourselves?"

His partner replied.

And then, a High Templar approaches them from behind.

"You dare question the actions of the Conclave!?"

The Templar exclaimed. He was angered by their conversation.

The pair shook their heads. "No, it was not our intention to do so. Forgive our rudeness."

And then, they felt the ground shake.

They turned around and were shocked by what they saw.

The Zealot turned to face their base and shouted. "Enemy! They've come!"

* * *

I ordered the high templars under my command to create several illusions of Zealots and have them take the lead to avoid major casualties while the Reavers attack their towers to lessen their defensive power.

Among the illusions were the real thing. They were stationed behind them to avoid losing our main power.

The enemy took the bait and focused their attention to our incoming forces.

They clashed and fought fiercely. And while they're distracted, me and Lupin infiltrated their defenses and went from one key building to another. Mainly, their Gateways, Stargates, etc.

We were currently inside a Gateway, sneaking our way through.

"Theo, are you sure you want me to lay low? I can help our forces while you do your thing you know? I can use my trump card if things get dicey." Says Lupin.

I whispered. "No! We can't reveal our cards just yet. Now's not the time for it, that's why I settled for bombs on places like this. We can't afford to be careless now."

I was serious about not revealing Lupin's strongest attack. I have a bad feeling about it. Like....someone's watching us.

We reached a vital room. And in it, lies the energy cells that powered this building with energy shields. We planted bombs on it. Thankfully, no one noticed since our forces were creating a huge commotion outside.

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