Episode 30: To Each their Own

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While we were on the way to Beacon, we were watching the tournament using our terminal. It looks like it's a fight between Pyrrah and Penny.

"Well, hopefully this one goes well." I said.

Lupin chuckled. "Hopefully."

* * *

Pyrrah and Penny were the main stars of the night. The match has started and thus, begins their fight.

It was an evenly matched fight at first. But as the fight goes on, Penny was on the defensive.

As Pyrrah said, her semblance is polarity. She was disarmed but somehow managed to control her weapon but failed to retrieve them.

Penny raised both her arms and several of her weapons were now floating above her.

After she resumed her attack, Pyrrah unleashed a wave of magnetic field which deflected Penny's weapons. But what came after that was a brutal scene.

Her body was dismembered and plain for everyone to see. "What the hell!? It's even worse than before!" Lupin exclaimed.

I felt a cold shiver down my spine. I told the driver of our ship to hurry up since this is probably going to trigger a Grimm response. Nevermind, a lot of them started their advance towards the Academy.

I started a transmission and called Raynor. "Jim! Can you spare a few men and send them over to the City? Something happened just now and it's going to be serious."

"But what about-" Before Raynor finishes his sentence, I cut him off.

"Just do it! I'll take care of everything afterwards. Leave it to me. We have no choice but to reveal ourselves!" I said.

Just then, the screen changed. And on the middle of the screen, was a chess piece and a female voice talking.

"What is it this time!?" I exclaimed.

And then, a message was delivered.

"This...is not a tragedy. This...was not an accident. This is what happens when you hand over your trust, your safety, your children to men who claimed to be our guardians. But are, in reality, nothing more than men. Our academies had masters wield more power than most armies. And one was audacious enough to control both. They cling to this power in the name of peace. What do we have here?-"

I instantly stopped my terminal. I snicker. "This voice...I thought so. They were spies all along. And that woman with the mask must be her."

Lupin was clueless. "What are you talking about Theo? Who?" He raised his head while looking at me with a surprised face.

I frowned. "Cinder and her friends, Mercury and that girl."

Lupin slowly looks back at his terminal. "No way..."

"Lupin, prepare for combat as soon as we land." I said and wear my backpack.

He nodded. "Understood."

* * *

It was a mess. After we arrive in the City, we landed to an area desolate with people. After that, we rushed inside and saw people running all around.

"Oh right, scroll! Why didn't I think of it earlier!?" I said and reached to my pockets. "Aaannnd I forgot to bring it with me. God I'm so stupid."

"No time for hesitation. Lupin! Use the new weapons. We haven't really replenished our dust supplies so, we have no choice but to use alien weapons."

We fought the Grimms and grabbed their attention. Both of us run at the same time.

"Looks like the General has taken measures of evacuating people. Lupin, go and kill the Grimms. I'll see what I can find and save the people left behind." I said.

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