Episode 11: Improvement

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A month has passed. A few more weeks before we start our 2nd semester.

Lupin and Team RWBY are closer than ever. Weiss has gotten over her fear for Lupin, which made everyone satisfied with the result.

Yang finds it hard to believe him but the result speaks for themselves.

Lupin and Weiss are already back to being friends and they are more closer than back then. With Lupin messing with her from time to time though.

JNPR has been spending most of their time doing their own thing so, I don't really see them that often.

Jaune and Pyrrah spends their time training on that rooftop while Ren reads books at the library.

Nora messes with Ren from time to time but, will mostly sleep when he's focused on his reading.

Velvet and I have already become sparring partners. But, I lose most of the time since I can't really fight that well against a huntsman that is trained in hand to hand combat.

Especially with that agility.

She goes on missions at some point so, I mostly train by myself in the training hall or gather information in the library when that happens.

Thanks to her, I've been improving bit by bit. The first few weeks since we started was literally painful and depressing since I discovered that my fighting style is still lacking than usual.

* * *

We ended our training early for now since we have some things to take care of. The current time is 13:00 in the afternoon.

"It seems that Lupin and I been doing it wrong all this time huh?" I said.

She chuckled. "I don't think so. Your reaction time is higher than average and everytime you deflect and block, you come up with the strangest methods to counter."

I went thoughtful. "I see."

Coco was waiting for Velvet in the entrance to pick her up. She would observe our training at some point and give me tips whenever I make mistakes.

"Let's go Velvet. We don't wanna be late." Coco pointed behind her with her thumb.

"Alright. See you later Theo." She nodded and waved her hand to me.

"Yeah. Thanks for the training." I said.

After that, I went straight to the library to gather information again. I've discovered some info about grimms and the surrounding kingdoms.

I saw Ren reading but, I never disturbed him. He seems busy with his business.

Most books in the library are related to history and other lessons that are mostly focused on academics so, I never bothered to read them.

One thing has caught my interest. I saw a crampled note between the books. I took it and read what it said.

"Assignment given to..."

I immediately put it back to its page and place it where it was located after reading the first few words.

It's probably one of the professor's notes.

After spending time in the library, I went over to the City to resupply.

After that, I decided to spend my time at the ocean, relaxing while listening to the waves near Beacon Academy.

* * *

It was already 17:00. I was comforted by the gentle breeze of the ocean while I self-reflect about everything that happened until now.

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