Episode 33: Departure

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Lupin went on ahead to check the others and get information about Zerg movement and our forces. I'm currently walking towards my room to get some rest.

On the way, I saw Taiyang and Qrow enter the medical room where Yang is currently staying. As I pass by the window, I took a peek and saw Yang lowering her head down with a sad face.

She must be depressed. Well, I don't think I saw her lose even once. And to top it off, she lost her hand. Her fighting style will be greatly affected....unless?

Hmmm....that's right. I should ask....no wait, I can't. She's better off using Atlas tech to gain a robotic arm.

As I thought of that, I nodded and continued walking.

I finally reached my room and lie on my bed. I sigh and activate the device called...air conditioner or so they say. It's actually pretty nice owning one of these things. Makes me feel comfortable.

After fighting for so long, I finally get a day off. Just for a day though but still, a day off is a day off.

I heaved a sigh of relief and stretched my whole body. It's been a while ever since I relaxed just like this.

Memories of me being a student at Beacon flashed through my mind. All of our missions, failures, problems and our fun times. Those days were the best. I guess that's all in the past now with Professor Ozpin dead and the City, along with the Academy, destroyed from the chaos.

Time to sleep and take this chance to rest.

* * *

A day and a half passed by after that incident. I'm currently on my way back to the City to check everything. While wearing my huntsman gear of course.

I'm together with Lupin to buy some dust supplies. If there's any shops that are still standing of course.

"The City really got destroyed in just one night huh?" Lupin uttered while placing both of his hands behind his head.

I scan our surroundings. "Yeah." The rest of the people in the area were cleaning up the mess. They're starting their efforts to rebuild everything that got destroyed.

Ruby and the others were preparing themselves since we're about to leave the place and head for Haven Academy.

After buying fresh new set of supplies, we returned to our base and head towards the forest where Ruby and the rest were waiting.

"So, you got everything?" I asked them.

"Yeah." Says Jaune.

Pyrrah nodded.

"No problem." Says Ren.

"Yeah. Nothing to worry about." Nora replied with a stern face.

Raynor approached us from behind. "So, you're leaving huh?"

I turn to face him. "Yeah. I'll see if I can find another one of our....'trusted' allies. Besides, you've got everything under control. Take care of the Zerg problems for me."

Raynor nodded. "Sure thing kid. Well then, I'll leave you to your own devices. Good luck out there."

"Well then." I face the forest and started walking away.

We departed for Haven Academy. It's going to be a long journey so, we stocked up on supplies to last along the way.

* * *

It's been a few days ever since we started our journey. There were a lot of Grimms on the way and thankfully, there were villages on the path we're currently taking. It's honestly refreshing to be walking with only a few problems to deal with...for now that is.

I left the Zerg problem to Raynor and the rest. I prohibited Lupin from bringing any sort of Terran and Protoss tech since there's a chance of it being lost or stolen.

We have no way to contact them but I believe they'll handle the future problems without me. He's a leader after all and way more experienced than I am.

Right now, I can't believe how Lupin and I suddenly got....weaker all of a sudden.

Maybe it's because we relied too much on Protoss tech long enough to forget how Remnant tech works?

Our weapons can barely dish out enough damage against the Grimms. Our weapons can barely cut their limbs off. At first, I thought maybe because our weapons were out of shape. But after asking Ruby and Pyrrah about it, I figured that it's not the case.

We got spoiled. We relied on the new tech too much to do the work for us since they're way more powerful than Remnant tech.

Knowing this, I looked up while shielding my eyes from the sun while thinking back about the past.

"We got too full of ourselves huh?" I muttered.

Lupin's ears twitched so, he turned his head to face me. "Yeaahhhh not really....I guess this means we have to train all over again."

I chuckled. "Not quite. We just need to get used to it....again."

The rest were talking about random things as we walk.

Overall, we have nothing to worry about except for a few grimms...and Ruby constantly asking questions about our experiences.

At this point, I started to wonder. What would happen if the Zerg happen to infest this planet? We will have no place to go unlike Raynor and the others who rely on spaceships and advaned technology.

I shook my head to clear my thoughts. I will never let it happen.  Damn, so much for a huntsman. I'm working way too hard.

"Theo? What's wrong?" Ruby asked me with concern.

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I just feel conflicted right now. Knowing that the City is already destroyed, bringing the Professor along with it. And there's the problem with the Zerg." I answer.

Lupin sighs and smacked my head.

"Kuh! Ow, hey! What the hell was that for!?" I glared at him.

He smiled. "Feeling better? Cause if not, I'm gonna smack you in the head again."

I snickered. "Yeah, if it weren't for the fact that you just smacked my head."

He casually laughed. "Good." He walked on ahead and suddenly stopped on his tracks while looking up the sky.

"Don't burden yourself with this Theo. I know you're a great guy and all but, please remember all the things you said when you helped Blake back then."

I raised my eyebrow in curiousity. "Wait, you heard that?"

He shrugs. "Pft, nah. Yang told me about it. What you said was cool and all but I think those words applies to you right now."

Jaune and the rest were silent the whole time.

I grin. "...Thanks Lupin."

He closes his eyes and smiles. "Anytime."

I returned the favor and smacked his head.

"Kuh!" He stumbled forward and winced.

After that I ran on ahead. "That's for hitting me earlier." I smirked.

"Heh! Why you little-!" He grinned in return and chased after me.

Ruby and the others laughed and followed us. Overall, this was a nice change of pace. Too much fighting wears me out so, these moments are what I need to wind down a little.

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