Chapter 1

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7 years ago Volterra Italy,

It was a warm, quiet, Summer afternoon in the streets Of Volterra. There weren't many humans Out, And the Sun was being blocked by many clouds.

It had almost been an hour, Since Jane had to leave the castle due to Felix and Demetri's Overbearing annoyances.

They wouldn't shut up about who was the better fighter, Or the better looking, And when they saw Jane, they asked for her opinion, and she replied with the obvious answer that it was her, they laughed in her face. And of course that got them a one way ticket to the ground,

How dare they laugh in Face of the Jane volturi!

They are lucky that she left when she did, if she hadn't, Aro Would have lost his best tracker, And one of his best guard members!

"How dare they think they can laugh at me! ME, They better be off somewhere hiding Because If I so much as since either of them I will do more than cause them pain." Jane thought as she looked down the alley watching a few humans walk by.

"If It wasn't for the respect, I have for Aro, Both of them would be ashes beneath my feet right no-!" Jane was cut off from her thought when she felt a slight tug on her dress.

She looked down And was met with a small human girl with short Brown hair and dark Brown eyes.

"Go away Girl, before I hurt you!" She growled at the human Knowing that that would cause her to run Leaving her alone once more.

but to Jane's surprise, the human did not move Instead she just stood there staring up at Jane.

"Did you not just hear what I said? GO Away!" Jane growled Again. But again got no response from the human. Not even a slight change in heart beat,

"What is wrong with this human?" She thought staring down at the young girl in confusion

"Yo-you''re very..p-Pretty," The girl whispered Not taking her eyes from Jane.

Jane looked at the human more confused.
Why was she not afraid of Jane? why was she not running in terror? or why was her heart not beating out of its chest?

Jane growled in annoyance, "What is wrong with this human? why is she not running from me!?"

"M-my name is..Elizabeth, Bu-But everyone just calls me isabel," The girl whispered again Tripping over her words a bit.

Jane, still confused, staring at the human did not understand why she felt the need to tell Jane her name? When Jane did not ask,

Jane looked down closer at the girl looking her over And when she Met eyes with deep Brown ones she felt A-sharp pain in her chest.

When Jane locked eyes with the girl the girl blushed a light pink on her cheeks.

"yo-you have pretty eyes, I've never se-seen any that c-color before." The girl softly said stepping closer to Jane.

Jane a little taken back by the comment Did not notice the girls motion.

Nobody Had ever complimented Jane's eyes before. Or anything about Jane,

"What's..what's your name?" The girl asked.

Jane shook her head Then showed the girl her teeth. "What is wrong With you? Did you not hear what I said leave!"

The girl looked down With a hint of a sad expression. "I'm sorry, I-l didn't mean t-to upset you,"

Jane looked at the girl who continue to look to the ground And a feeling she could not explain and one she had never had Came to her. and before she could stop herself the Word came out of her mouth.

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