Chapter 3

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It was a usual Rainy, and cloudy day In forks when The To sisters heard a hunk outside Of the house, and They went to Bella's bedroom window and saw to familiar faces Being greeted by their father next to an old beat down red truck.

"Is that Billy and Jacob black?" Bella turned to her sister who slowly nodded remembering their faces clearly.

"Bella, Izzy get down here!" Their father yelled from outside motioning for them to come out.

The sisters looked at each other, then made their way downstairs.

"Bella, Izzy You too remember Billy black.?"

"Yeah, You're looking good." Bella shook the man's hand with a smile.

"Well I'm still dancing," Mr. Black smiled. "I'm glad you two are finally here, Charlie Here Hasn't shut up about it since you told him you were coming."

"Alright keep exaggerating and I'll row you in the mud."

"after I ram you in the ankles." The two started to play fight in the street.

"Um hi, I'm Jacob," The young Native American boy greeted Bella with a smile. "We used to make mud pies when we were little,"

"Yeah, no, I remember." Bella nodded as Elizabeth started to feel awkward. "Are they always like this?" Bella pointed to the to fathers.

"It's getting worse with old age." The boy joked,

"Did dad ask us to come out here just so we could watch him play fight in the street?" Elizabeth thought, right before her father Started to walk back to them.

"So, what do you think?" Their father asked Bella then hit the side of the truck.

"About what?" Bella looked at him confused As well as Elizabeth.

"Your homecoming present,"

"This?" Bella asked in disbelief.

"Just bought it off Billy here," he smiled.

"Yup," Billy hit the side of the truck.

"I totally rebuilt the engine," Jacob smiled.

"Come on, are you serious!? oh my Gosh, this is perfect, you've got to be joking..oh sorry." Bella apologized accidentally hitting Jacob with the door.

"Oh it's ok."

"Always got to find a way to hurt yourself or others." Elizabeth smiled Watching her sister.

"I told you she'd love it." Billy looked up at Charlie. "I'm down with the kids,"

"Oh yeah dude, you're the bomb." Charlie rolled his eyes.

"So Elizabeth, Are you excited for your 1st day of school tomorrow?" Billy asked.

"Oh, Um..No, not really sir."

"I understand, the 1st few days are always the hardest."

"You have no idea." She put her hands in the pockets of her jacket.

"Anyway Izzy I hope you don't mind that I got your sister a truck, it's just she's Older and you're going to the same school so."

"It's..ok, dad."

"Are you sure?"

Izzy slowly nodded. "Alright as long as you're sure."

Elizabeth Is sure, because she doesn't really care. she's never been into driving, Now that's not to say that she doesn't have her permit, because she does. but she just prefers to be a passenger.

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