Chapter 15

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"How can you just sit around and read all day?" Kate, asked as she walked into Elizabeth's room and leaned against The wall, watching as Elizabeth sat in her chair as she read Shakespeare.

"It's easy if you have a attention span, and love to read." Elizabeth answered, not taking her eyes from the book.

"Are you implying that I don't have a attention span?" Kate shifted from the wall and took a step forward, and crossed her arms. "Because I have you know I have A Great, attention span."

"Really?" Elizabeth raised a brow and gave the blonde a quick look, before turning back to the book.

"Really," the blonde nodded, with a slight smile on her face, and before Elizabeth knew it, The blonde was in her lap which caused Elizabeth to jump and drop the book from her hands.

"What are you–" Kate cut Elizabeth off,

"You know lizard, you're kind of a mystery, you've been here for almost three weeks and I know little about you."

Elizabeth shifted in her seat to try to get the blonde to move, but it did not work. "Can you please get off of me."

"I don't know, can I?" Kate crossed her arms  And raise the brow,

"Kate." Elizabeth's Spoke in a semi deep, and firm tone.

"What were you and Tan doing in the woods the other day?" Kate asked out of the blue, and in a curious tone and Elizabeth taken back by the question, Shifted in her seat uncomfortably.

It's been two days since Tanya and Elizabeth had their conversation in the woods, and since then The two have become closer, and Elizabeth would be a fool if she said she did not notice Something different with the family since said conversation, a change, like they've noticed something.

"Well, uh." Elizabeth turned her gaze from the blonde and thought for a second, before turning back. "I was out writing in my journal, and she came to see how I was doing and we got to talking. why?"

Kate shrugged her shoulders and moved her butt into a more comfortable spot in Elizabeth's lap, which became more uncomfortable for Elizabeth. "I was just curious, you two were out there for some time and you've been closer since."

"That we have." Elizabeth nodded, "Now please move," Elizabeth told her more firm this time, and a tiny smirk quickly made its way to the blonde's lips and she leaned closer to Elizabeth's face which caused Elizabeth to lean back, until her head hid the back of the chair. "What are–"

"Make me." The blonde said,


"I said, make me," She said louder and more firm this time, and Elizabeth put her hands on either side of the chair and squeezed.

"P-please just, get o-off of me." Elizabeth said stuttering a bit, as the chair began to make popping noises from the squeezing.

"The chair is going to break if you keep–"

"Kate." Kate was cut off by Tanya who opened the door and walked in with Carmen by her side, Both of which had unpleased expressions on their face as they stared the blonde on top of the brunette down.

"What?" Kate asked, and turned to siblings.

"Get off of Elizabeth." Tanya said firmly and crossed her arms, and Kate immediately obeyed and jumped up from Elizabeth's lap.

"Thank you." Elizabeth let out a breath, almost one of relief at the blonde no longer being on her lap.

"What were you doing?" Tanya asked her sister,

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