chapter 2

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Elizabeth has never given much thought to how her life would end, but if she did. She would want to go in the arms of someone she loved,

It has been 7 years, Since the encounter, with the beautiful blonde from Volterra.

7 years, and yet. not A-day has gone by, that she has not thought Of the girl named..Jane,

Not A-day goes by that she does not wander, about the girl,

And not a night Has goes by without A dream, Of the beautiful goddess blonde,

Elizabeth often found herself wondering too much.
Wondering what could have happened If she had never heard her family calling to her? or if they had never found her?

As Elizabeth grew, And memories of her childhood started to fade Over time, Her memory of the Blonde goddess stay the same, and sometimes when she closed her eyes, It was almost as if the blonde was right in front of her.

She found it odd, Sometimes. She doesn't understand why she can never stop thinking about the blonde ever since the day they met 7 years ago in that alley.

Ever since that day, Elizabeth has felt strange, The only way she could describe the feeling was as if..A Part of her was missing,
And she's never been able to figure out why she feels this way?

she does know, for sure, that it started after she met the blonde, and every day since then the feeling has only increased, and every time she thinks about the blonde, with red eyes, like blood, Her heart flutters And she gets a weird feeling in her chest.

Was it possible, to be in love with someone, that you only met once, when you were a child?
She often found herself wondering that question.

Elizabeth Doesn't know what romantic love is or feels like.
She's read many books about it To try to get a better sense of it.
Even though she's not a big reader Like her older sister, She still enjoys a good book.

"Alright girls, it's time to go. in less you want be late for your Plane?" Their mother Renee said.

Elizabeth sighed. "Here we go, time to go back to one of the most boring places on Earth."

Elizabeth took one last look at the Sun. and took in the feeling of its rays upon her skin, Before she made her way to the car where she would leave the Sun behind And head to her new home of forks. Washington, the most rainy, and boring place, in the world.

She does not want to leave the Sun, She would much rather stay here in Phoenix Arizona, But her and Bella thought That it would be the best choice to leave.

Their mother, Recently remarried to a Major league Baseball player. And Because of his traveling they Rarely get to see each other, so Bella and Elizabeth Thought that it would be best if they left and moves back to Forks to live with their father. The chief of police in forks, Charlie Swan, giving their mother All of the time she wanted with her new husband.

It was really More of Bellas idea, then Izzy's.

When Elizabeth got in the car Bella and her mother were already in Waiting for her. And Renee Turned and looked at both of her daughters.

"Are you two sure about this? Because it's not too late to stay," Renee asked Looking between the two.

"Yes, mom. we're sure," Bella answered As Elizabeth nodded slowly.

Renss Sighed. "Alright. as long as you're sure,"

Elizabeth and Bella both look out their windows as the car started to move And they're warm home Started to fade out of View until it was gone.

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