Chapter 18

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It has been exactly 1 hour and 45 minutes;

1 hour and 45 minutes since the blonde left Elizabeth in her–well now, They're room.  And to say that Elizabeth has not been on pins and needles for many different reasons would be like saying The Earth does not circle around the sun.

The brunette has not been able to get settled since the second the blonde shut the door. For the first 10 minutes that the blonde was gone Elizabeth just stood and stared at the door, Overwhelmed by not Only her emotions but the blondes as well, Unable to get a good understanding of Not only hers but the blondes to.

Jane was feeling annoyed, Angry, Confused, happy and a bit, Just a Tad bit overwhelmed. And it confused Elizabeth beyond confusion.

She does not know what she did to make the blonde feel all of those emotions at once? And it has left her not only confused But worried, Anxious, Nervous, With only a bit of happiness in the back of those emotions.

And, If Elizabeth is being completely honest with herself and emotions bit sad; She did not want the blonde to leave her presence, in fact, She does not want to be out of the blonde's presence for a very long time.

They've been away from each other for so long and even though They were 90% quiet with each other being around one another,  She both loved it and hated it. She loved it because she was in the bond's presence,  And hated it because it was an uncomfortable silence.

The brunette has no problem with silence, it's just when it becomes uncomfortable is when it becomes a problem for her. But she understands why it was uncomfortable between the Two in the hallway and after,

They do not know each other, They do not trust each other, And Jane and her family basically just took Elizabeth and turned her world upside down; So of course it's going to be uncomfortable, Elizabeth is in a place that she does not know, Does not want to be in, And is uncomfortable in. So of course she is uncomfortable.

But despite the uncomfortableness she enjoyed the blonde, And she would gladly take an uncomfortable silence in the blonde's presence then not being in her presence at all, And that kind of scares her.

But if Elizabeth is being honest it scares her in a good way, Kind of.

She has never felt the way she does with the blonde with anyone, And that's to be understood, They are Soulmates after all, But It's just so overwhelming for her.

Everything about the blonde is overwhelming, She's exactly what Elizabeth thought she would be but at the same time isn't, She's a complete and other mystery to Elizabeth and Elizabeth loves it and can't get enough of it.

And even though she's been in her presence For not even a whole 24 hours Elizabeth already knows that she will never get bored of Jane, And she will always want to be with her, And That alone scares her. It may even scare her more than dying itself, And that says a lot.

"Jane." The name fell from the brunette's lips in a soft whisper, So low and light that humans would not be able to hear It, As she lightly shifted in the chair by the fireplace and stared into it with emotional eyes.

Elizabeth wants Jane back in the room.
She wants her back with her. She wants her red beautiful eyes on her, Her scent to feel her senses, Her presence to take over hers.

She just wants Jane, Because at the end of the day, That's all she's ever wanted since she first met her in that alley way Nearly 8 years ago, For the past nearly 8 years all she's asked for from santa, All she's wished for on every shooting star she would see when she looked up at the night sky when it was clear Was to be with the blonde once again, And now that she has her she never wants to let her go again.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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