Chapter 17

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Jane Volturi is by all means signify, and barbarous. That's just how she is,
There is no in between or grayline, as some would say.

And yes, there was a time long ago when she was Nothing but a weak fragile and insignificant life force on this planet; But that was over 1200 years ago.

But despite her convey, and her inhumanness She does still possess the Means to care, and...Love, Despite how she feels about the feelings.

Jane only cares for a few people in her life; Only a few people have a place in her heart-Yes, her heart, Even though it's dead and has not took a beat in over a 1000 years she still has one, it's just Stone.

Jane is a woman of many things and feelings is not one of them; But, when you get her love, when you get her care, You have it for eternity and she gives it all to you, and sometimes she just has a unnatural way of showing it.

Jane is not one for showing Weakness;
And as the most powerful, and hated Vampire on the planet she takes her position, and power, and titles very seriously.

So if she was to ever appear as weak, In any way shape reform it would not only affect her, but her family, as well. And she would rather Destroy the entire planet in a Fiery golf of misery and pain then allow her family to appear as weak.

So Jane Rarely shows Emotion; The only times that she does is when she is behind closed doors in her home, with her family and those out of her family that she cares for deeply which Are; Her twin brother Alec, With whom has been by her side since they were in the whom together.

He is her best friend, greatest confidant and companion in this world. She cannot imagine her life without him and if something was to ever happen to him well, it may just break Jane entirely.

Her mother and father, King Caius and Queen Athenodora. They have been by her and Alec's side since the day they were turned by Aro; They hold a special place within her heart, And not just because of the bond that they share.

Aro and Sulpicia;
They are very special to her, Not just because Aro Is her Maker, but because She has a bond with him that is very special, and strong. she can talk with them about things that some would say are disturbing.

Marcus and Didyme; She is very close with them, She has lost track of the number of times that they have stayed in the library and read the same book and talked about what they liked, and did not.

Heidi; Jane isn't sure when it happened but Her and Heidi became close a few centuries ago, The two go shopping regularly together and Are always up to date on the new fashion trends, and so forth. Heidi is what you would refer to as Jane's best girl friend.

Chelsea, Corin, and Renata.
They are her companions, She cares about them and They along with Heidi And the queens, are the ones that she can talk girl talk with.
They go shopping with her and Heidi Often, and sometimes the queens will tag along.

And as much as it sickens her to say it,
She does Find Demetri and Felix's company to be quite entertaining sometimes,
but that is all she will say.

Those are all of the people in Jane's life that she cares about in some way, And while she cares about Them she never imagined that when she found her Mate eventually,
Finally after so long of being alone And watching others Find theirs and be happy in a way that she was not, That it would cause her to care and feel much greater than that of which she had ever felt, And it would change her entire fathom.

She never thought in all her years that when she finally found her Mate, her reason for existing, for being on this miserable lonely planet with no real purpose that it would cause her to completely become something that she is not.

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