Chapter 11

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Death, the end of life.

Elizabeth had always wondered what death might feel like, But never in her wildest thoughts did she imagine that it would be so painful. So burning,

Her body felt as though it was a Volcano, burning With a unforgiving godly pain.
Her bones cracked and popped back into place, as they hardent into something like stone.

She tried to think of something else as she was in a unconscious state, But she couldn't. all she could focus on was the pain, Wishing for it to go away, wishing for it to end.
even wishing at one point that it would be so painful enough to Her short yet, tragic end of a life.

But it never did, her wishes Fail on death door with no answer. And just when she thought it could not get any worse, it stopped, all of the pain stopped, And then she felt it.

The last beat of her heart it,

It was small, And felt as if it was fighting for its life. which, it probably was.

And After she felt it, Her lungs let out the last bit of air That they ever would from her nose, And then her body became calm, And she opened her eyes.

When her gaze met the ceiling, It was like looking At the world for the 1st time, She could see everything, from the Dust particles in the air, to the tiny little cracks forming on the ceiling.

"Wow." Elizabeth, Slowly turned her gaze from the ceiling, and looked around the room that she recognized as Carlisle's office, And became more amazed by what she could see, it truly was Like looking at the world for the 1st time. "I never realized how much dust was in the air."

Still amazed and shocked By the world from her new vision, she slowly moved, And when her feet touched the ground For the 1st time after feeling like an eternity, She leaned against The table they had placed her on And took in the new clothes that They put her in.

A black and red sweater, Baggy jeans, and her old sneakers that she was wearing The night of her death, Which, Turned her mind from the new world to Bella, And her feelings turned to worry and panic.

"Bella! oh God Bella! Is she okay!? the last thing I remember she–" Elizabeth Is taken from her thoughts by a knock at the door, and she quickly Turned her head as it slowly opens and reveals Rosalie and Emmett, And when her eyes lock with theirs A wave of new feelings come to her, and very strong pulling in her chest calls to her.

The feelings of being safe and protected By them, being loved for eternity. the feeling of  Protectiveness Came to her for them, and the pooling in her chest urged her to go closer to them, To be in their presence And never leave, to be by their side.

It was so strong in fact, it almost became painful for her, but she fought it away and could only imagine what it must have been like for them this whole time.

"Elizabeth," Rosalie spoke softly, And Elizabeth couldn't help but became amazed by the woman's voice, it was like hearing it for the 1st time, She had never heard a voice so soft and full of care. "We understand that you have a lot of questions and feelings right now, but we need to take you hunting 1st before we can answer them." At the mention of hunting a very piercing burn began to come to Elizabeth's throat, And it caused her to grab her throat with her right hand and clinch her jaw In a bit of pain. "We know, and it will go away once you have fed."

Elizabeth turned Back to the two And nodded slowly, Then watched as Rosalie held out her right hand with a small smile  Asking for Elizabeth to take it, which she did without a second thought And the blonde squeezed her hand softly and they took off out the house and in to the Forest.
And Elizabeth became more amazed by the world, Even though they were Moving quickly she could see everything perfectly clear, every flower, Bird  butterfly, even Every little detail on the tree bark of the trees.

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