Chapter 7

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Her body felt as if it was on fire, boiling with a rage of fury and anger. Hands and voices all around her, coming closer. It's dark and she sees a faint light but cannot reach it, and she feels as if she is drowning, Gasping for air.

"Elizabeth?" A soft familiar voice echoes through the darkness, "Elizabeth it's Alright,"

"n-No." She whimpers, And hugs herself. "th-they won't...s-stop." She tries to block out the voices, And stop the hands.

"Elizabeth wake up," The soft voice tells her, And the girl shakes her head. "Elizabeth wake up, wake up. it's a dream, it's alright. You're safe." It tells her, But she knows differently, she sees the hands, getting closer by the 2nd.

"n-no." She tries backing away but they catch her, And the 2nd they touch her The small fate light turns brighter, "No!" She jolts awake breathing Heavily looking around Frantically,

"It was a wasn't real." Elizabeth sighed, And try to calm herself.

"Elizabeth," Rosalie spoke softly, And softly put her hand On the lower part of Elizabeth's back, getting the brunettes attention. "It's okay, you are safe." The brunette leaned into the blonde's touch softly, and nodded Letting out another deep sigh.

"I-i'm s-sorry." Elizabeth Closed her eyes, and Tried not to think about the nightmare  As the blonde looked at her confused As to why she's apologizing?

"what for?"

"J-just Now."

"Elizabeth, You do not have to apologize for your nightmare," Rosalie said, And Softly Rubbed Elizabeth's back. "It is completely natural for you to have them after what happened, So do not apologize." Elizabeth nodded slightly.

The room became quiet, And just like usual when it's quiet with another presence, Elizabeth becomes uncomfortable. She closed her eyes again And try to think about anything other Then the nightmare, and what happened. but Her mind has other plans, And flashes images repeatedly over, and over.

"stop...Stop...Stop!" Elizabeth Yelled at her brain, And shook her head. "I don't want to think about it! I don't want to see it! stop!"

"Elizabeth," Rosalie said to get her attention, and it worked. "What can I do to help you?"  The question was simple, But to Elizabeth, it had a more bigger meaning. And Elizabeth thought for a moment,

The blonde has already helped her, She saved her, and has comforted her. But, there's one thing That Elizabeth wants At the very moment, and It's to be able to think about something else, just for a second.

"Can you....I-I don't want to..think about it, can" She asked More than a whisper, And turned her gaze to her hands And softly picked at her nails.

Rosalie, hating seeing her like this, Softly puts her other hand on the younger's leg, "ask me questions," The blonde told her, And Elizabeth turned back to her.

"A-About what?"

"Anything," At the blonde's answer Elizabeth thanks for a moment,

"What time is it?" To Elizabeth's surprise, at her question, the blonde chuckles. "W-what?"

"I tell you you can ask me anything, and the 1st question you ask is what time it is." A light rose color comes to Elizabeth cheeks, Why? she doesn't know.

"S-so?" Elizabeth asked Not understanding why asking Such a simple question would make her laugh,

Rosalie slightly shakes her head and a tiny smile stays in the corner of her lip, "it's 4:23 a.m." She answered.

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