Chapter 6

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⚠️Trigger warning for this chapter. So if you trigger easily, You may not want to read⚠️

That night Elizabeth has a nightmare, And it shakes her so bad she doesn't get any sleep for the rest of the night. The next night Elizabeth walks in on Bella searching the Internet of information about vampires, And once again try to talk her out of it to no prevail.

The next day, Monday, just As Elizabeth expected, Alice, nor her siblings showed up for school. And it was very Sunny that day, which not only caught Elizabeth's attention, but Bella's. The Two got an A on their project, And Elizabeth called Alice When she got home to tell her the news and she was very happy.

The next day, Tuesday, again a very Sunny day, and again the Cullen siblings did not show up for school. And Elizabeth found herself wondering why? They don't burn in broad daylight, yet they avoid it when it's Sunny, why?

That lunch Jessica and Angela were talking about going prom dress shopping in port Angeles, which get Bella's attention and she asked if her and Elizabeth could go to, which get Elizabeth's attention and asked her sister Quietly after the Two left them alone why she felt the need to include her as well? To which Bella replied with, "There's a bookshop I want to go to, and I don't want to go alone." to which Elizabeth sighed and said Okay.

"What do you think of this one?" Angela asked the two sisters Coming out of the dressing room.

"Oh uh, I like it," Bella smiled,

"Yeah I do to, I think I'll put it in the pile." She said before leaving the Two sisters alone.

Once the Two are alone again Elizabeth turns to her sister, "Bella, can I please Go for a walk or something?" Elizabeth loves being with her sister, but the overwhelming smell of lavender and different perfumes in the store is causing her to have a headache, And there's only so much 'what do you think of this one?' she can take in a day.

"I don't know lsabeth." She sighed, Then meet her sister's gaze. "You've never really been alone before. and what if something happens?"

"Nothing will happen." Elizabeth assured her, "please Bella, I can't take much more."

Bella looks at her for a few seconds, then sights. "Okay-But You can't go too far, and you are to inform me if something happens." Elizabeth's Nods and waste no time Jumping to her feet and leaving the store.

"Finally! I'm free!" Elizabeth Takes a deep breath as the cold wind and smell of rain in the air Brushes by her face, "I hate Shopping"

After A few minutes of walking Elizabeth stumbles upon a bookstore and wonders if it's the same one Bella was talking about? so she decides to go in and look around, And after a few minutes find nothing interesting and decides to leave, but as she's about go She's stopped by a group of men of for, Who tapped on the window to get her attention.

"Hey, Baby! Looking good!" One of the men shouts and nearly stumbles in to the window as they walk away.

"Disgusting" Elizabeth Decides to wait a few minutes before leaving the store, And once outside again she begins to walk once more. And somewhere along the way she lost track of time, And by the time she noticed it started to get dark so she decided to head back to the Dress shop.

"I can't believe I lost track of time. I bet Bella's Worried sick." Elizabeth sighed,

"Hey Baby!" Elizabeth froze in her steps at the familiar voice, And looked up to not only see Two of the for men she saw earlier, but to see that she has somehow found herself in a dark alleyway.

"Shit. I have a bad feeling." Elizabeth Turned around And began to walk down a different alley.

"Where you going baby?" The Two men began to follow her, and Elizabeth started to walk faster keeping her head down and putting her hands in her pockets.

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